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These 9 Blogging Nonsenses Must Stop in 2020!

Blogging is exciting and successful bloggers are stars because they have the power to influence their followers.

2020 is here and it’s high time we cleaned up the mess and keep the industry more attractive. A couple of bad things happening and I want to point a few of them out.

If you are guilty of any of these, I sincerely advice you break off in order not to find yourself caught up in your own trap.

1- Fake earning proofs

Quite frankly, people are no longer moved by your lies. Who cares about $10k a month? Does that add a cent to my own income?

What’s even bad is the fact that the claim is tricked. If your earnings are authentic, fine. But fake earning claims won’t help you at all.


Because in 2020, we are able to figure out whether or not you are making it. These things worked some years ago because people were curious and learning.

Now they know it’s possible to make money blogging and they know what it requires. So if you make money, show us the hows and not just tell us you do.

Recommended: 4 Ways To Fake And Succeed Online!

2 – Fake SEO/Traffic claims.

This is one blogging nonsense that gets me really sick. I often read blog posts where some bloggers try to teach you tricks to drive 5000 daily readers.

What’s amusing is that whatever they try to teach doesn’t work for them. In order to sound more real, they try to provide fake traffic analytic screens or simply pick an image from some other site.

It’s easy to figure this out by the way. SEO tools like SEMrush will spit out necessary data to help measure the SEO traffic strength of any website.

Traffic is the lifeline of any online business. If you figure out how to really drive targeted traffic, your business will surely prosper, everything being equal.

Lily was able to boost her traffic by over 700%. She didn’t just write about it but she clearly explained her steps in her post on how to Increase Blog Traffic Fast.

Fake bloggers do fake income and traffic proofs!

3 – Buying backlinks from Fiverr

Some bloggers have been shooting themselves in the foot!

Backlinks are a serious off page SEO requirement. But toxic backlinks can heavily ruin your SEO

Fiverr is a nice place for micro jobs but the SEO backlinks gigs should be shunned if you ask me. The reason is that you have no control over the links you get from those service providers. What most of them do is get random links from unrelated fake account profiles. Some  use the old school Article Marketing’s Spun articles to submit to random blogs they create and maintain themselves.

These random domains and ghost websites you get links from soon become marked ‘toxic’ by Google and that consequently will transfer the penalties to your genuine blog.

There are however backlinking firms with proven method. What they do is send you a list of domains they want to get your link from for approval.

Guest posting and backlinks

Guest posting is a grey hat SEO tactic and backlinks from this exercise are still valid. There are several ways you can handle this:

  1. Submit guest articles on relevant site yourself
  2. Hire guest posting services
  3. Team up with blogging friends to build backlinks in different guest posts

4 – Blog commenting for backlinks nonsense

Don’t get me wrong!

Blog commenting is a powerful exercise if you want your blog to grow rapidly. That’s only true if you comment for networking and indirect traffic. That way, you will comment reasonably on relevant blogs.

If you want to drop hundreds of comments per day on as many blogs as possible, you end up getting your comments trashed. If your sole reason for dropping a comment on this blog is backlinks, chances are that your comment won’t go through.

But blog commenting can indirectly earn you contextual backlinks. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Find a blog that’s in your niche.
  2. Read an article thoroughly on it.
  3. Drop a powerful comment.
  4. Shoot a mail to the blog owner about your passage.
  5. Write an article on your blog and link to the article you read and commented.
  6. Shoot another mail to the blog owner about the free backlink.
  7. Maintain a friendly and helpful relationship with the blogger.
  8. Create and publish link-worthy article on your blog.
  9. This will attract more links from your friends.

Most of the tough links I have had to my blog come from my friends who willingly and naturally do it. So focus on building relationships in 2020 and that will bring it massive benefits.

5 – Selfish blogging

Did you willingly and naturally link  out to a relevant post on a fellow blogger’s blog in any of your last 3 blog posts?

In 2020, this selfishness has to stop because it doesn’t really cost you anything bad. On the other hand, the advantages are just so powerful:

I know you did share others’ posts on social media. That’s awesome but trust me, giving out links naturally will be more welcoming than social shares.

6 – Copy/Paste blogging nonsense

Bloggers who cannot fully create content on their own will soon expire. It’s becoming increasingly easy to deal with stolen content in blogosphere. If you still don’t know what to do when bloggers steal your content, check out this post

And if your job has been to copy and paste others’ sweat, your end is near. It’s easy to fish you out and that would mean an end to your stupid business. Maybe you should go back and revisit why you started blogging.

7 – You just published ‘epic’ post. So what?

You just hit the publish button on your blog and you think the content is great. And the next thing is you are sending me an email to let me you’ve killed a lion with your teeth.

You didn’t even mention nor link to any of my articles. It’s just pointless to tell me about your post because there is nothing in for me.

I see a couple of guys out there do this but I think you should walk away from it in 2020. Before you go to bug someone with the things you publish, make sure to have something in for them.

8 – Buying Facebook post likes nonsense

Are you this stupid?

Two bad things will happen if you do this crazy thing:

  1. You will uselessly loose money
  2. You will kill your blogging business.

We know the social proof power when readers get to see those massive social share counts on your buttons. Congratulations if these shares and likes are genuine.

Today however, bloggers and online entrepreneurs are able to buy fake Facebook Likes and Shares. It’s as well possible to buy fake Twitter Followers and fake almost everything about social media.

But the truth is this no longer works. There is everything available to find out your figures are fake. Once your readers get to know this, you’ll soon become the last thing on their minds.

9 – Buy traffic nonsense

We all need traffic to succeed online right?

But not all traffic is good traffic. We need targeted real people not bots. The large traffic stats and the always upward curves are not so important.

Crazy services are selling traffic online these days:

Buying such services will definitely spike your traffic. But the bad news is that these ain’t human readers. You’ll end up with fake stats, no sales, no valid clicks, no signups, etc. What’s therefore the use?

Focus on proven ways to increase website traffic and forget these scams

Ok for now!

There are many blogging nonsenses that must be stopped this year 2020. The reason is that folks are getting more educated and technology is becoming more intelligent. If you continue with these bad practices, you will soon find yourself standing alone.

Good luck and thanks for your comment below.

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