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Should Bloggers Waste Their Time On SEO?

A lot of bloggers believe that they CANNOT and SHOULD NOT bother with SEO.

Are you one of them?

Do you believe that it is –

SEO is dead, right?



SEO Is Possible For Everyone

Whatever you have heard, or read, or believe, SEO is possible for everyone.

Sure, you may not end up at the top of Google for Pay Day Loans (one of the most competitive search terms) but you can get traffic from Google even if you are an SEO newbie

In fact, I have worked with many small businesses and bloggers who thought they had no chance at SEO, and look at one of the results we got.

Over 100 unique visits per day for one post. That is 3000 unique visits a month!

I don’t show you these results to make myself look good.

I do it to show you that even if you are at the bottom (with no traffic, a new website, or even badly optimized website), you can still go to google first page and get traffic from search engines.

I know SEO is not as sexy as Instagram or Snapchat.

And, I know it’s disappointing that Justin Bieber does not spend his time tweaking his SEO settings! (I told him, but he doesn’t listen)

But SEO can bring you traffic that is

These are people that will be interested in what you have to offer/sell.

Sounds great, right?

Now, what I really want to show you is that SEO IS POSSIBLE for the average blogger like you.

And it is not as difficult as you may think…

What Does It Take To Do Proper SEO

Like anything else worth doing, SEO takes time and effort.

Let’s be honest with ourselves: you know you won’t become a social media influencer tomorrow.

And, you know you won’t win a gold medal at the next olympics with just 2 weeks training. (check out Michael Phelps training schedule! 6 hours a day, 6 days a week)

Mind-blowing, top level SEO is the same. (I get up at 6am and run for 3 hours before I start my day – only joking)

However, there are some “secret” stairs “almost” to the top.

[clickToTweet tweet=”There is no elevator to the top in #SEO, but there are some secret stairs!” quote=”There is no elevator to the top in SEO, but there are some secret stairs!”]

Let’s find out where they are…

Let’s Learn The Secrets Of SEO

There are some tricks for getting more SEO traffic that can help almost anyone..

There are simple things that you can learn. And, many of them are not that hard.

That might be a surprise to you, especially if you have read about some of the insane things that people like Brian Dean of Backlinko do to get ranked on Google! (But keep in mind he is aiming for the stars, not the house next door – big difference)

I just want to repeat that it is actually not as difficult as you have been (mis)led to believe by the experts.

So, without any more teasing, here are some tips for you to implement today (or tomorrow if you are already getting your hair done today!).

On-Page SEO Is Your Friend

You might have heard of the term “on page SEO”. Or maybe you haven’t. Either way, names are not that important.

What is important is what On-Page SEO can do for you.

On-Page SEO is responsible for a 20% increase in traffic in one month – for a client of mine.


Yes, you read that right – 20% in one month!

All I did was implement “standard on-page SEO” for him, and one month later, he had 1/5 more traffic.

Why was it so easy?

Because they had some content (posts and pages) already but just had not done the SEO basics.

Those basics are really simple. They are called On Page SEO or “putting your keywords in the RIGHT places”.

AND, not overdoing it by putting them too often in your post.

I even have a handy checklist for download on my website (Grab Yours Right Here).

All it requires you to do is put your keywords in about 5 different places, and you can start impressing Google right away!

Lesson 1: Do your on-page SEO on EVERY page and post on your website using my handy checklist.

[clickToTweet tweet=”On Page SEO is easy. Get more traffic with 5 minutes work per post. #bloggingtips” quote=”On Page SEO is easy. Get more traffic with 5 minutes work per post. “]

Do Some Keyword Research (To See If Anyone Cares)

On-page SEO is going to rock your world, that is for sure. It is one of the foundations of top SEO.

However, there is one thing I did not mention (no, you don’t have to die your hair pink and post it on Facebook).

Ready for the big secret… (drum roll please)

You need to make sure that there are actually people searching for your content.

I know, crazy, right?

You see, the trick with SEO is to see what “real people” (you know, your readers, clients and customers) are actually searching for.

You should do this for all your pages and posts, even if it is months after you have published (you can always tweak your on-page SEO later).

It can really help get you traffic.

Plus the cool thing is, Google actually keeps track of what people search for.


They give us FREE access to the data. (Who would have thought!)

How? Through a tool called Google Adwords – Keyword Planner

It’s a fun tool that tells you how many times a month people search for specific phrases (aka – keywords).

What should you do with it?

Search for things your readers are looking for, of course!


  1. Start with an idea (phrase) and type it into Keyword Planner
  2. See what similar phrases people are using
  3. Search again once you get a better idea/keyword (if you have not found one)

Keep in mind that the numbers in Keyword Planner are just estimates, and that not “all” the data is in there. But it is a great place to find gold nuggets for your SEO.

If Keyword Planner doesn’t give you what you are looking for, try some other tools for finding keywords like:



Keyword Shitter (excuse my language – but it gives you lots of ideas)

Then feed them back into Keyword Planner to see if they have actual volume (aka searchers).

Lesson 2: Find the prefect keyword that works for your content, then do the “on-page SEO” dance (more on that above), and insert them into the content (as per my checklist).

[clickToTweet tweet=”Is anyone searching for your content? You should check before you write it. #bloggingtips” quote=”Is anyone searching for your content? You should check before you write it. “]

Using Some Tools To Help

If you are spending a lot of time optimizing your pages and posts for SEO, it might help to use a tool. (you wouldn’t build your house with just a nail right? you need a hammer too!)

And if you are a WordPress user, like most people reading this post, then I have some great news!

There are two great plugins available to you: either Yoast or All in One. Both of them offer a boat load of features to help you optimize your SEO.

However, in my opinion Yoast is the easiest for bloggers to use and it will get you the best results.

It gives you a handy panel below your content where you can add your keywords AND check that you have added them in the right places (Hint: the ones from my checklist).

Not only that, but it also goes into some detail by checking that you have not

Here is what I see from Yoast below this exact post as I am writing it. I have not put in my keyword yet, and optimized, but you can see the kinds of things it does for you.

And if you want to take it a step further, you can check out this great tool Enstine found.

Lesson 3: Make your life easier and do your On Page SEO using the Yoast SEO Plugin.

[clickToTweet tweet=”Make your #SEO life easier by using the right tools. #bloggingtips” quote=”Make your SEO life easier by using the right tools.”]

But Wait, There Is More

No, I am not offering you a free set of SEO Optimized steak knives.

But I did want to mention this:

On page SEO and keyword research are just the tip of a massive SEO iceberg.

Yes, they are absolutely essential to getting ranked on Google and can make a huge difference to your SEO traffic.

However, in order to really understand how it all works, and how to really find “keyword gems” to get traffic for, you have to go a lot deeper.

I am in the process of creating an SEO Course for website owners like you. So, if you are interested in learning exactly how I rank my clients on Google optin to my list below. I will also send you my super-easy SEO Checklist as well as some tips to help you rank better today (or tomorrow)!

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