5 Fundamental eCommerce SEO Strategies to Boost Store Traffic in 2020

seo for ecommerce shop

While SEO is straightforward if you’re a blogger, when it comes to eCommerce and optimizing your online shop for search, you need to remember that you have category and product pages to take into account.

Generating organic traffic and increasing sales should be top of your agenda, so to boost your online store’s ranking, here are five eCommerce strategies that you shouldn’t ignore in 2020.

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Blogging Profits: Study Wealthy People Even if You Have Little Money Right Now

blogging profit

Poverty begins in mind.

Do you have little money right now? Having little money indicates your mindset, your emotions and your actions manifested this little amount of money.

Do you make virtually no money blogging? Look within. Face, feel and release money fears. I know this feels scary because I had to do it myself. I grew up in New Jersey in the USA. For most of the world, I grew up rich.

But in New Jersey, I likely lived a middle class standard. But most kids I went to school with grew up in wealthy families. Some of their parents ran million dollar businesses. I felt poor compared to them and developed limiting, poverty conscious money beliefs dripping in shame, fear, embarrassment and envy. Guess what? I blogged like a poor person for many years. Struggled horribly.

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10 Reasons Your Email Marketing is Failing (And How to Fix It)

reasons why your email marketing is failing

Email marketing has been around for what seems like forever. By the look of things, it is not going anywhere anytime soon. And, this is despite the prevalence of social media marketing. Why is this the case, you ask?

Because email marketing has been, and still is, an effective marketing tool. However, making some obvious mistakes can diminish the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns. Here are ten such mistakes that you should avoid.

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Why is Your Website Hemorrhaging Money (and How to Stop the Bleeding)

Why is Your Website Hemorrhaging Money

The goal of any online business owner is to make money.

They travel different paths to achieve this goal for their websites. Just as long as they keep their eye on the prize, it doesn’t matter what methods or tactics they employ.

If you’re earning more than enough to cover the costs of running your website, then consider yourself successful!

On the other side of the coin are people who are struggling to turn a profit from their websites. To be fair, building a profit-generating site is no walk in the park. For them to not get sidetracked from their main goal (which is what’s keeping them from breaking through to success), they need attention to detail, organization skills, and commitment.

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