How to Never Run out of Blog Post Ideas


I write 2-5 guest posts daily.

I never run out of blog post ideas.

Writer’s block can feel frustrating. If you’re like me, you have stared at a blank screen for minutes, wondering why the blogging gods aren’t supplying you with a rich supply of blog post ideas.

Fortunately, like all mental blocks, dissolving writer’s block is not too difficult if you follow a few basic, simple tips.

If you want to know how to never run out of blog post ideas follow these 4 helpful tips.

1: Mine Comments

Mining comments on your blog and on top blogs from your niche provides you with ample blog post ideas.

Readers bring you a steady flow of helpful ideas for your blog through their insightful blog comments. In other cases, a line or two demonstrating a difficult pain point nudges you in the right direction.

Take a deep breath. Relax. Then, instead of blowing through your comments by scanning ‘em, patiently and calmly read, process and feast on these comments to score blog post ideas.

If you haven’t received many comments on your blog just become a comment lounge lizard on top blogs from your niche. Read helpful blog posts. Scour comments to pinpoint readers problems. Solve these problems via your blog posts.

2: Read Top Blogs from Your Niche

Read top blogs from your niche.

If big dawg bloggers from your niche cover specific topics you’d be wise to cover these topics too.

Top bloggers have their cyber hand on the pulse of your niche. Simply follow their lead by dissecting similar topics from your authentic perspective.

Don’t overthink your blog posts. No need to follow the lead lock step but you can cover topics discussed on top blogs from your niche to never run out of blog post ideas.

Example; blogging tips bloggers would keep a pulse on Pro Blogger or Blogging Tips.

3: Field Questions on Quora

Peep Quora for questions related to your blogging niche.

Find blog post ideas in these pressing queries.

Questions on Quora are nothing more than blog post idea germs, or seeds, waiting to grow into a full fledged blog posts via your expanded awareness.

Some silly bloggers tire of answering the same questions day after day on Quora. I see these common, frequently-asked questions as a whole slew of blog post ideas to be attacked from different angles via various guest posts.

Be observant. Be watcher. Spot pressing questions on Quora. Answer these pain points masquerading as blog post ideas via your blog.

Quora offers you a massive global market related to your niche. Capitalize on this worldwide Q and A platform to make things pop on your blog.

4: Hang out on Niche Specific Facebook Groups and Google Plus Communities

Niche specific Facebook Groups and Google Plus Communities are pure gold mines for attracting rocking blog post ideas.

People struggling in your blogging niche with common issues bring you ideas for blog posts on a silver platter every single day in these high traffic spots.

Join these groups. Open your eyes. Clear the wax out of your ears.

Tune into the steady volume of inspired blog post ideas wrapped up in community member problems.

While you are at it, help folks in these spots by answering their questions.

Flesh out your answers via in-depth, valuable posts on your blog.

The eBook

If you want to learn successful blogging lessons in colorful fashion buy my eBook:

How a Phlegmatic Sloth Teaches You 6 Successful Blogging Lessons

Your Turn

What tips can you add to this list?

How do you never run out of blog post ideas?


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