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Wealthy Affiliate’s Affiliate Program ~ The best affiliate platform for bloggers?

Wealthy affiliate is the platform that trains you on how to make money with Affiliate Marketing. It’s only but normal for them to have the best of what they teach

If you are in the Internet Marketing niche, the Wealthy Affiliate’s affiliate program is one of the top programs I recommend. I will show you why in a moment.

I have tested different ways to make money online. From creating your own products, running a coaching business, selling ads space on your blog, doing sponsored post to Affiliate marketing.

These and many more methods work a great deal to help you make money. But Affiliate Marketing seems to be the best.

Looking at income reports of may top bloggers, you will discover that Affiliate Marketing takes the lead. In this post, I asked some top bloggers how they make money blogging. Affiliate Marketing happens to cut across the board.

As a matter of fact, it’s the easiest way to start a small business online even without skills or business capital.

You have no need for product creation, maintenance and upgrade. No need to worry about taxes and after sales services.

All you have to do is select a product/service, drive traffic to it and make sales.

Though this sounds like an easy task, it isn’t at all. That’s why Wealthy Affiliate comes in to make the process easier.

We will see exactly how they help you make money with affiliate marketing and how they make their own affiliate marketing program to be one of the best.

Affiliate Marketing ebooks Vs Affiliate Marketing Training platforms

There are generally 3 ways to get trained in Affiliate marketing:

  1. Go around reading Affiliate Marketing guides on the Internet. There is a lot out there and sometimes you get mixed up in the process.
  2. Buy Affiliate Marketing ebooks. As a matter of fact, I have written one that has done quite well
  3. Signup to a training platform

For the most part, you get the best when you signup to a platform. I’m not saying all platforms give you the best. But Wealthy Affiliate stands out.

Ebooks generally will give you the basics and set the ball rolling. But as things evolve and change, relying on an ebook won’t be adequate. I know some book authors do update their works on regular basis but that can’t at any point bear the worth of training platforms.

What wealthy affiliate platform offers

Wealthy Affiliate offers 3 things to make you a better Affiliate Marketer:

  1. Training
  2. Tools
  3. Community

1)The Training

The training on the platform is like non else. With hundreds of topical videos, holding you by the hand from niche selection, setting up your money making website, SEO and content development.

While the training is structured for beginners, advanced affiliate marketers still have a large surface on the platform.

2) The tools

Many platforms provide the training. But Wealthy Affiliate goes beyond by providing the tools at no extra cost. These include free Jaaxy LITE (Premium SEO Tool) access, free dedicated WordPress Hosting for up to 50 blogs, Free SSL for your website protection, free domain name protection, etc

3) The wealthy Affiliate community

This is what makes the money making process most exciting on wealthy affiliate. While you think you are having fun on Facebook or Twitter, the WA community will completely blow your mind. With hundreds of thousands of active members, you get to connecting with like-minded people who are ready to interact and help you make money online.

I have just listed what makes the platform a massive help in getting you rolling in online income. If you want to see details of these features, take a look at this post I create here and this other post I explained why I’m moving to the platform.

Wealthy Affiliate’s Affiliate Program – Why you should promote it

There are FIVE reasons to join its affiliate program and promote it:

  1. The authenticity of the platform
  2. The affiliate tools
  3. The commission structure
  4. Conversion rate
  5. Cookie duration

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1 – The authenticity of the platform


If you are an affiliate marketer in the make money niche, you’ll see with me that the industry is getting quite flooded. There is therefore need to promote something that has value and has proven it with time.

Wealthy Affiliate has been  training affiliates for over a decade now. With positive reviews and over 1.2 million users, there is need to turn to it for what it offers.

There are so many fake companies online. It’s easy to spot them out. Check the linked post for how to identify fake companies.

Wealthy Affiliate is verifiable. Both founders, Kyle & Carson can be reached on the platform and offline. That’s a solid trust factor.

Promoting Wealthy Affiliate is not promoting something shady. You are promoting a real business that helps people like you grow and make money online.

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2) The Wealthy Affiliate’s Affiliate Program Tool Box


Most affiliate programs don’t give their affiliates the necessary tools to succeed. But Wealthy Affiliate goes beyond the traditional banner creatives to offer their promoters the handy instruments to easily market the platform.

i) Personalized landing pages – Home page

One of the tools that help boost conversion a great deal is the personalized landing pages. They give us the facility to personalize both the home page and the signup form page with personalized materials:

This is important as it allows you to tie the landing page to your campaign. If you are doing Facebook ads to promote the platform, you can customer the home page specifically for your Facebook traffic.

I have created a unique page for readers of this article. Click here to see what it looks like. Without doubt, the page you see has a lot of impact on conversion:

ii) Personalized Signup form

Depending on your campaign strategy, you can drive traffic straight to the sign up form. Again the platform has a simple way for you to customize your page with text, image or Video and this of course has a huge impact on conversion.

To see what the signup form looks like, click here. This is best tested with a campaign-focused welcome video. You are allowed to upload those videos directly to the platform.

iii) Creating your own comparison table.

Comparison tables are a massive conversion elements. They allow you demonstrate to your readers that one option is better than the other.

The team at Wealthy Affiliate understood this and made it easy for their affiliates to create comparison tools for their campaigns. All you need is know what WA offers that’s lacking on the other platform.

iv) Site Rubix Website Plugin

This plugin allows you to add a widget to your website that allows your readers to start creating their own websites for free using the WA Site Rubix tool. All you need do is enter a Tracking ID, generate the piece of code to place on your site. Here is a working example.

v) PPC Conversion Tracking

If you choose to promote Wealthy Affiliate with Paid-Per-Click methods on Facebook, Google and Bing, you are given a smart option to track conversion from your affiliate dashboard. This helps you in refining your campaigns to come out with the most optimal conversion rate.

vi) Welcome messages for your referrals

One of the things that highly boost conversion and instill confidence in new members is the personal welcome messages.

Wealthy Affiliate has a tool that allows you to create personalized messages that get automatically delivered to your referrals at different points:

The messages are automatically posted to the referrals on your behalf following the conditions set. For the most part, this re-engages your referrals and brings them to upgrading and taking their businesses more seriously.

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3 – The Wealthy Affiliate’s Affiliate program commission structure


We promote any business as affiliates because of the commissions right? Some pay big and others small. Some pay one off and others pay recurring, and if you want to become an affiliate marketer, you need to find the balance that fits your preferences. That’s one of the sweet spots of Wealthy Affiliate.

-> The recurring commissions.

As I mentioned above, WA offers a promotional startup pack for every one at $19.

Promoting Wealthy Affiliate as a free member, you earn $4 on your referrals who upgrade to premium by taking advantage of the $19 promotion.

Each time they renew with $49, you earn $12. If you recruit 100 members who constantly renew, you will be on a passive income of $1200 monthly.

If you upgrade to premium, you earn $8 on your referrals who upgrade to premium and $23.50 each time they renew their subscription. That brings you to $2350 monthly passive income.  It makes a lot of sense to upgrade and pay $49 than be free and lose over $1100 monthly.

-> Cash Credit earnings

Cash credits are some sort of a reward for being active on the WA platform and from your referrals who take some action.

As a premium member (after 3 months), each time you publish a training on the platform, you earn cash credits depending on the popularity of your training.

Each time any of your referral registers a domain, you earn credit worth $1, which is paid again each time the domain name is renewed.

Another way to earn credits is to encourage your referrals to upload a picture and fill the description box. You earn 2 credits per profile setup.

Your cash credits earned are either used on the platform to pay for other services or converted to USD and cash out.

Each Cash credit is $0.50. You can easily earn hundreds of these credits which translates to a handsome amount in USD.

[one_half_first][thrive_text_block color=”blue” headline=”STARTER Member Commissions:”]

This is what you earn if you are a free member:

Initial $19 offer, Commission = $4
$49/mth, Commission = $11.25 recurring
$359/year, Commission = $87.50 recurring[/thrive_text_block][/one_half_first]

[one_half_last][thrive_text_block color=”light” headline=”PREMIUM Member Commissions:”] Credits: They Set-up their account = $1
Domain Purchases: $1 recurring
Initial $19 offer, Commission = $8
$49/mth, Commission = $23.50 recurring
$359/year, Commission = $175 recurring![/thrive_text_block][/one_half_last]

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4 – Wealthy Affiliate’s Affiliate program Conversion rate


One of the most attractive features of any affiliate platform is the conversion rate. This simply is the percentage of your traffic that actually takes the required action.

On Wealthy Affiliate, as affiliates, we are interested in members who signup and upgrade to premium. Though we actually earn money from free members who setup their account, the real money comes in when your free members (starters) upgrade.

According to platform statistics, on average 1 out of 8 starters upgrade to yearly, depending on the affiliate, and 12% of all free Starter referrals end up going Premium.

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5 – Wealthy Affiliate’s Affiliate program cookie duration


The cookie is a piece of code that helps the platform identify your traffic sent to the platform. It is directly linked to your unique affiliate link.

If someone clicks your affiliate link to a page, chances are that the prospect is going to take some more time to do some research before coming to signup. By the time the readers comes back to signup, he may just go straight to the website homepage without using your affiliate link.

However, the first time he visited on your link, a piece of code was deposited on his computer to make sure any time in the future he signs up, the system will know you did the job of bringing the customer.

This piece of code deposited on the reader’s computer called cookie has a lifespan. Some companies set it to 30 days. Others set the cookie lifespan to 60 or 90.

If the cookie’s lifespan is set to 30 days, someone clicks your link today and only signs up on the 31st day from now, you lose the commission. Why because the cookie duration is 30 days and it expired on the 30th day.

But Wealthy Affiliate’s Affiliate program cookie’s duration is lifetime.

What this means is almost no possibility to lose a sale to dead cookie. As long as the prospect doesn’t format his computer or signup from another computer, you will earn your commission no matter the number of days it takes.


If you are a struggling or successful Affiliate Marketing in the Make Money Online niche, you have something worth every bit of your effort. Promote something that converts powerful well and pays you recurring earnings.

[thrive_link color=’blue’ link=’’ target=’_self’ size=’big’ align=’aligncenter’]Signup to Wealthy Affiliate here[/thrive_link]

Check out my post here how to locate the affiliate program. I will be there to welcome and interact with you.

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