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7 actionable tips to turn your blogging to successful online business!

successful Internet Business

If you are a blogger, I think you can easily turn your blogging to a successful online business and I want to share some tips to get you to it.

Let me quickly point out that blogging isn’t a bed of roses. Like any other business, success in blogging requires skill development, time and other resources. Don’t let anyone fool you into thinking that blogging is a click-to-the-bank business.

The good news however is that the income opportunities in blogging are unlimited. The reason is that blogging allows you to build a marketplace. With a business mindset, this is already an opening to earn income consistently.

5 tips to turn your blogging into a successful online business

Ok let’s quickly walk into some actionable tips to help you thrive in your blogging business. Please note that there are two sides of any business:

  1. Investment
  2. Profit

Between investment and profit is a period of growth. The duration depends on a long list of factors. But that’s not the reason for this post. However, something devastating happens to many businesses at this stage: They quite before break-even point.

How do you take your blogging from its baby stage to a profitable online business within record time?

#1. Invest in your blogging

If you really mean it, you will take the necessary steps to treat blogging as a business. Investing in your blogging goes with getting the required tools for success and training yourself to get the necessary blogging and business skills.

The Internet is full of free resources. The bad news however is that most of these free stuffs will only make you an average blogger.

Successful bloggers who have turned their blogging into a thriving online business spend a huge portion of their earnings on premium tools, paid events and training.

Keep your blog healthy and free from unnecessary errors that may cause loss of traffic, users and conversions.  WP 301 Redirects is a quick and easy plugin that will help fix your blog’s Redirections & 404 Errors without you having to spend heavily on this area of SEO.

#2. Build a team to create a successful online business

If you want to go fast, go alone and fail early. If you want a steady and sustainable growth, go with like-minded people.

One of the reasons behind failure is the fact that bloggers want to do everything themselves. While it may be a pain to build a team of skill collaborators, you will have to do it at some point.

From Content creation, Graphics design, Social media management , Search Engine Optimization, public relations, legal affairs to promotion, functioning as a solo blogger may not result to excellence.

As we are dealing with online business, recruiting and managing your staffs worldwide isn’t any longer a serious issue. This eliminates the need for office location and unnecessary bills.

With the availability and easy accessibility of online collaboration tools like Zoomshift, building and growing a team of enthusiasts shouldn’t be a big pain.

#3. Connect and collaborate with other successful bloggers

One thing I have noticed is that successful bloggers are always getting mentions from around the industry.

Not only are they creating impacts in their world, they are connecting and signing partnership deals with other successful businesses and that’s very important.

Each time a successful logger launches a product, it’s common to see them collaborating with other top bloggers to talk about the product. Take a look at the sales copies of these new products. It won’t be long before you start seeing testimonials from popular faces.

When Spencer Haws came up with LinkWhisper (for SEO), Matthew Woodward, Harsh Agrawal and other top bloggers showed up to give him a boost.

#4. Think of creating your own products

Top bloggers have known that one of the ways to expand and create successful online presence is to create one or many products.

If you think of any blogger that’s doing well, showcasing hundreds of thousands of dollars in monthly income, their own products account for a huge portion of their earnings.

Affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, direct advertising, contextual advertising are all beautiful ways to monetize your blogging business. But if you want to step ahead and bring more value to your blogging, with a successful team, create a product.

I started a new category on my blog here, meant to invite bloggers to talk and promote their products. If you are one with a useful product, take a look at what’s going on. Contact me so we can talk about your product.

You may be thinking it’s hard to create a product. I think the limit is just your brain. The opportunities abound. In this post, I gave some tips on creating an online product even if you are stupid (no insult).

#5. Offer a Service to clients

Making bloggers are known for creating awesome contents for their readers. But this is different from developing their skills into marketable services.

If you are good at writing, you may want to create a course that teaches your readers how to become a successful writer. That’s about creating a product. What about developing your SEO or other skills so as to be hired by companies and readers?

Create a “Hire Me” page on your blog. This allows you to tell your readers your skills and how you can be of help to them.

#6. Promote and promote

Big brands like Coca-cola, McDonald, etc still spend a huge cut of their income in publicity. This is because they are constantly being threatened by competition and changing market conditions. If your online business must survive the test of time, you must constantly carry out promotion activities.

Here are some simple tips to promote your online business:

#7. Don’t give up!

There are certainly going to be tough times and challenging moments in-between. From your investment to profit, you will face Google SEO changes and drops in traffic, Social media changes and suspension of accounts, rejection, negative comments, losses, etc.

These are just to make you stronger. Don’t give up. Try again and try different options. Take worthy risks and give yourself another chance. Remember that the only path to success if taking the step no matter how it appears ahead.

Wrapping up

Blogging and generating an average level of income is not enough. You have a larger surface to expand and widen your income channels. All you need is build the courage, follow these tips to take your blogging to a successful online business.

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