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Some beginner mistakes that you can’t do when you start your blog

We all make mistakes, and even more so, when you start a travel blog. At first, you are in a sea of ​​doubts where you don’t know what to do.

In the world of blogging, they tell you that you must learn to write, but not only for your readers, also for Google.The world of blogging is very complex, just like when you want to buy a luxury watch. You need to visit this website and ask for opinions from some experienced people.

You have to learn marketing, sales, web analytics, design, WordPress … Many things that make you unable to start.I took the whole night to find out why something was stuck on WordPress, and in the end, you realized that it was just a click. Little by little, based on trial and error, you will reach mini goals and find the right path to follow.

Although all of this is a learning period, there are always obstacles that make your blog not grow so fast. Beginner mistakes that you can avoid to save many hours of work when you start your travel blog.Today I want to share with you some of the ones I suffered most during the first three months.I swear that some of you have done it and you have corrected it, but others you have not even noticed.

Create a free blog with Blogger or WordPress

You read a lot of blogs for a week, little by little, you reflect on your life and you begin to want the exact same thing. So, you came up with an idea to make it. The problem is as follows:

What is the purpose with your blog?

If you only want to say that you started it, please, many platforms offer it for free. If it’s entirely a personal blog, as a hobby, you can also choose that option. But if little by little, you want to turn it into a digital business, having a free platform won’t help you at all for several reasons:

Renting hosting is 70 dollars per year, investment is ridiculous in terms of profits. And please, don’t make the mistake of saving cheap hosting, it’s not worth it. In the end, it will only end up bringing you trouble.

Do the best in quality / price.

Don’t define the strategy

At first, I published when I came to mind. I don’t know exactly where I want to bring the reader.

And if I don’t know … I’m not sure. Try asking yourself with each article:

What is the purpose of this post?

Looking for a subscription? Create content with the highest value for your readers? Google also values ​​strategies defined in keywords. Going to write content following logic and feelings will help you position your blog better.

Compulsive perfectionism

This is a continuation of previous errors. Before starting a blog, I want everything to start from ten until I postpone the date of departure. Do you really believe that is a good idea? I realized that the most important thing was to launch it. Perfection will be carried out by posteriori depending on the feedback received.

Imagine you want to get ready to run 100 meters in a month. The first 24 days were spent on idealizing how to run, watch videos on YouTube to improve career techniques, breathe better, what shoes to use, etc …

Do you think it’s the best choice?

There are still many other mistakes but the above 3 should be avoided from the start.

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