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How to find advertisers for your LOW TRAFFIC (New) blog and how to charge them.

Do you have a new blog or a blog with poor traffic and you are thinking you can’t make money with it? May be you don’t even have an idea how to find advertisers for your low traffic website.

Let me quickly tell you your brain or someone has been deceiving you.

Let’s fix it now!

If your blog gets below 500 daily visitors, that isn’t good enough. But that doesn’t mean you can’t make money. (For some niches, 300 to 500 daily visitors is huge)

As a matter of fact, I have been paid $450 per article on a blog that barely gets 150 to 200 daily visitors. That isn’t a strange thing to me because I was able to find those advertisers that have the budget for smaller blogs.

But if your blog gets 200 daily visitors, that may boil down to 200X30 = 6000 visitors per month. And yes there are advertisers out there actively looking for your kind of blog.

Even if you get  less, I will discuss below how to add more value to your offer and make it more attractive and irresistible to advertisers.

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How Much Should You Charge For Advertising On Your small Blog

This is one of the biggest questions troubling many money making bloggers. So let’s handle it first before going to where to find our clients.

Note that advertisers can pay you for many different things on your blog but we want to dwell on direct advertising. That’s a case where they pay you to place a banner on your blog for a specific length of time.

Generally, experts recommend you charge Daily Visitors/10. So if your blog gets 200 daily visitors, you normally should charge 200/10 = $20 per month.

However, there are many other things that can change this calculation:

But I think you have the idea.  Many advertisers with a budget for smaller blogs already have their prices fixed. So trying to over charge may only drives you to being the looser.

Recommended: Advertisers are NOT Stupid But These 10 Things Attract Them! Esp #10

How to find advertisers with a budget for your small blog.

Smaller blogs means few readers from a community of few members:- Email list, social media, SEO, etc. The first thing to do is let your community know you now accept direct advertising on your blog.

Add an “Advertiser here” page on your blog where you bring out attractive details about your community.  Clearly mention your stats and how much you charge.

By doing this, you wait for clients to contact you. But you can move out to them as well. So where do you find them?

1 – Go to this platform.

Click the most relevant Category. If you click the wrong category, you will finally be talking to the wrong people. Forget about “WHAT’S HOT” because that’s definitely for high traffic websites.

Next, we are going to search for properties that sell spaces cheap to advertisers. Chances are that these properties have low traffic so they are within our horizon.

Click Advanced Filter – > Price Range

Remember above we did some calculations to come up with an average price for your blog. So enter the Price Range within what you are ready to charge. Play around with other filters to measure your results.

Click “Apply Filter” On the result page, most ideally, select the property with the least traffic. The traffic on this site is measured in Impressions.

Page Impression is simply the number of times a page is viewed. So a single visitor to your site can generate many impressions. Hitting the refresh or reload button on a single page 5 times will generate 5 impressions.

100 daily readers can generate more Page Impressions depending on many different factors. Impressions are different from PageViews which is how many pages are viewed per session.

Now let’s move on…

This is a good example of a low traffic website I picked after filtering. The good news here is that an advertiser has bought 125×125 banner space on this site this month.

What you should do now is go to the site. You will definitely find the ad. Click it and contact the advertiser with an offer.

So you see it’s easy for me to find an advertiser in my niche with a budget for low traffic blogs. One or two out of five contacted with a good offer should respond.

2 – Send a mail to your list

If you have a list, no matter how small, send a mail telling your subscribers you now accept direct advertising on your blog. Some of them may just be interested in buy your space.

3 – Ask your friends to share

We bloggers are inter-connected. Find out from your blogging friends if they know or have worked with some advertisers. Generally, you are going to get your friends linking you up with advertisers they have collaborated with. Remember you have a blog with low traffic.

How to charge higher.

It is one thing to know how to find advertisers for your blog and another is to be able to strike a good deal.

You did your calculations and probably came to a price. But there is something you may do to charge higher or at least, persuade your clients to accept your current price.

Add a bonus

Bonuses are a strong conversion factor. In our case, you may want to offer some more value by proposing some of the following for same price:

  1. Additional free days (He pays for 30 days and gets 30 days free)
  2. Special reduction
  3. A full-blown review of the product (This is very attractive)
  4. Social media promotion
  5. Permanent link on an existing post
  6. Etc

By adding more value to what you offer your advertisers, you pull them very near accepting your offer despite your low traffic. Just use your brain. Look around to find out what you may add to the package.


If you want to make some money from your blog despite the low traffic, try this method to find advertisers. It may not give you enough money to buy a house. But at least it gives you some working experience and enough to pay for your domain name and hosting.

Let me know what you think in the comment box and please save on Pinterest 😉

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