How to do SEO Competitor Analysis?

If you want to be successful in your SEO efforts, you should also know your competitors. You can develop better strategies by following your competitors’ strategies in your optimization efforts. You need to follow a professional strategy when it comes to competitor SEO research.

In this article, we will give you detailed information about competitive SEO analysis. In SEO studies, you should perform on-page, off-page and technical SEO analyzes of your competitors. If you want to rank higher in Google search engine results pages (SERP), you should know your competitors well.

You should develop your SEO strategy immediately after conducting competitor analysis. Since SEO is a dynamic process, you should monitor your competitors regularly. You should change your strategy according to the analysis results. Thanks to competitor analysis, it is easy to get ahead of your competitors.

SEO analytics

Identify Your Competitors

If you are going to do SEO competitor analysis, you first need to identify your competitors. To get to know your competitors, you should find your top five competitors organically for a keyword. Identify your competitors for certain keywords by performing SEO competitor ranking analysis.

When you do not get results in the search results for the keyword, you can follow similar keywords suggested by Google. You can use Google searches to get to know your competitors. Additionally, you can use tools such as Ahrefs and SemRush.

Analyze Your Competitor’s Keywords

When comparing competitor SEO, you first need to determine the keywords on which your competitor performs. You can track the performance of your competitor’s keywords using professional tools. In this way, you can discover new keywords and develop better SEO strategies than your competitors in relevant keywords.

Take a Look at the Site Contents

You also need to analyze your competitors’ content. Conduct competitor content analysis using a professional tool.

You can examine what content rival websites publish, at what intervals they share content, and the types of content available.

When analyzing competitors’ content, look at title length, keywords in the title, title tags, video lengths and word count. Also take a look at the depth of detail and internal linking strategy.

After analyzing the content, you can make plans to develop better content. You can use a free SEO checker to review competitors.

See Traffic by Country

You can also follow the countries from which your competitors receive traffic. In this way, you can understand the opportunities in your field. You can identify five rival sites among your competitors and make reviews accordingly.

By determining the countries where your competitors receive the most traffic, you can develop SEO strategies specific to these countries. At the same time, you can determine the countries that are and are not worth developing an SEO strategy for.

Review the Overall Site Design

When doing competitor SEO research, you should also focus on the design of competitor sites. Because user experience is the most important option for SEO.

Examine many details such as the competitor site’s navigation experience, visual layout and appeal, branding elements, logo and content structure. Make comparisons with your own website and focus on where you’re lacking in the design.

Focus on Social Media Accounts

Your competitors’ social media accounts should also be examined to attract visitors to your website. In this way, you can get SEO tips and determine how your competitors are driving traffic. Let’s analyze the post quality and traffic attraction strategies for your website.

You should look at the activity status of your Twitter, Instagram and Facebook competitors. In this way, you can follow traffic opportunities.

Social media apps

See Internal Link Strategy

One of the most important points in SEO is internal linking. A solid on-site link strategy maximizes user experience. Examine our competitors’ intra-site link strategy, identify the successful points and apply them on your own website. The free SEO checker gives you valuable data in determining link strategy.

Address Your Competitor Backlink Strategy

Your competitor backlinks are also a very important area of SEO analysis. When performing competitor backlink analysis, also consider the number of backlinks, authority and anchor texts. If he got backlinks from popular websites, focus on getting backlinks from similar sites.

If you are going to do backlink analysis, paid tools such as SemRush provide you with the opportunity to perform qualified competitor SEO backlink analysis.

Check out Featured Snippets

If you are monitoring your competitors’ organic traffic, examine the featured snippet elements that will help them stand out from the competition on the search engine results page. The likelihood of clicking on pages here is 9% higher than in the first place.

You need to look at information such as what strategies your competitors follow here and how they create content. In this way, you can find new strategies that will leave your competitors behind.

You can determine the best strategies of your competitors by performing competitor Serp analysis. You can attract better traffic by determining the most qualified SEO strategies.

You can improve your website’s SEO strategy by doing SEO competitor benchmarking.