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Are You Confusing How to Make Money Online with Ways of Making Money Online?

I just paged through one of my eBooks.

You can buy it on Amazon if you want 15 ways to make money blogging:

A light bulb went off in my mind after reading the title.

I thought of all the folks over the years who asked me:

“What’s the best way to make money blogging?”


“What’s the best way to make money online?”

Affiliate marketing?


Affiliate marketing is an inanimate concept. It cannot “do” anything by itself.

But a skilled entrepreneur who publishes helpful content and builds their friend network can engage in affiliate marketing and make money.

Skilled entrepreneurs who publish helpful content and build large, loyal friend networks of influential entrepreneurs:

Do you want to know how to make money online?

Re-read the prior 4 bullet point list items until each concept becomes seared on your mind.

Re-read until you follow each tip diligently for years.

That’s how you make money online.

Lost Online Souls

Lost online souls mistakenly believe a “way” to make money online is “how” to make money online.

This desperate, greedy or delusional crowd believes:

are some of the best ways to make money online.

But more than that, this crowd believes each income channel is how you make money online.

The income channels are not how you make money online.


The income channels are how you receive money online.

How you make money online is spending years following your passion, learning your niche, detaching from outcomes, focusing on serving a specific reader or customer generously, building your friend network by helping folks without looking for anything in return and persistently doing this stuff not for weeks or months but for years of your life.

Check out this Blog’s Owner

Enstine Muki diligently followed these steps. He fell in love with the process, not profits, and for years he created helpful content and connected with top bloggers.

Because he followed the basics of how to make money online he now earns a sweet online income.

But his income streams never made him a dime. His persistent service, generosity and detachment, helping folks for free, set the table for his current day stunning success.

Example; Enstine generously invited me to guest post on his rocking blog. He made it a point to tell me to promote my eBooks.

Guys…..this is the secret to making money online! Be generous. Be as excited to see other people prosper as you are prospering.

This is why I promote other people all day long through my guest posts, through social media and through many of my blog posts. I am genuinely interested in helping people, promoting people and in expanding their success. This genuine interest helped me build a big, loyal tribe of blogging buddies who have:

Why do you think I retired to a life of island hopping through smart blogging? I helped folks for years from a pretty detached place, taking an interest in people and not in what they could do for me.

Then incredibly generous friends like:

invited me to long term guest posting gigs on their blogs.

This is how you appear to be all over the place in your niche which leads to business success and prospering online.

In truth, my eBooks never made me a cent on their own because an eBook cannot do anything. It’s an eBook guys.

But when my tribe sees the name “Ryan Biddulph” on an eBook or audio book, they buy it, based on me sharing helpful free content over the long haul. If a stranger to me and my brand sees an eBook that meets their needs, based on the creation within the eBook, they buy it.

It ain’t the ways to make money online; it’s the active creating and connecting over years that yields online success.

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