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5 Tips for Effective Blogging from Mobile Phone

blogging from mobile phone

Ever wondered if you can run a blog using just your mobile phone?

Most people think that managing a blog is only possible from a laptop or desktop.

In truth, your mobile device is actually packed with features that can make managing your blog much easier for you.

I mean, you’re already using your smartphones to call, message your friends, email your co-workers, play games, and others.

In this short guide, you can add blogging to the list!

After the post, you should be able to blog at the comfort of your own phone.

1 – Let visual content do the talking

Do: Use apps to add filters, typography, and effects to your images and videos in order to convey a mood or emotion.

Don’t: steal photos from other sources and upload it to your blog.

Sometimes, the most memorable pieces of content are those that leave something to your audience’s imagination.

So, instead of writing and formatting long-form posts on your mobile device (which can be a nightmare), use your phone to capture images and videos and publish those as blog content.

After all, you are only limited by your creativity!

One way you can tell a story without overwhelming readers with long text is by using pictures and/or videos.

There are apps can help you design standalone visual content that stands out in a crowd.

Now, you must be thinking:

I can publish these images on my social media. Why should I publish it on my blog?

That’s a very good question.

In fact, you can do that as well.

But if you want to diversify your blog content, you can do this as well!

You can publish the image with a quick caption.


You can save the images in your blog on the go so you can write a post on your laptop with the images ready for use!

The choice is up to you.

2 – Comment swiftly

Do: Use your smartphone to keep your followers engaged by replying to comments and initiating discussions.

Don’t: Bore your followers with long posts.

If you run your blog on WordPress, log in using the official app and check out the published comments. Send your replies and increase your chances of getting a reply.

As a blogger, you’re not just expected to produce great content.

You’re also expected to engage in conversations with your followers.

Responding to comments doesn’t just make you seem more knowledgeable – it also encourages readers to develop an emotional attachment to your brand.

With a mobile phone, you can get more followers and build your brand credibility anytime anywhere without having to log on to a computer.

You can have interactions happen in real time and maybe even get readers to mention you to their social media followers.

But do remember to tread carefully when responding. If you get any negative comments on your blog, always respond calmly and politely.

3 – Record ideas on the go

Do: Keep track of your ideas using the recorder feature on your mobile phone.

Don’t: Use your phone to mindlessly scroll through your social media news feeds.

I know we take this for granted, but mobile phones nowadays are amazing.

There is just so much you can do with it!


If you’re only using it to check your social media news feeds, then you’re missing out on the opportunity to turn your amazing ideas into reality.

One way to take full advantage of your mobile device is to use it to jot down notes for upcoming blog posts brewing in your head.

You can record a voice file or draft a memo, either way, those precious ideas will never slip away from you again!

You can easily download the best blogging apps to help you do these things on your phone.

4 – Check your analytics for updates

Do: Monitor your blog’s performance by checking your analytics weekly via the Google Analytics mobile app.

Don’t: Ignore important metrics like referral traffic and most searched keywords and terms.

Keeping track of how your blog is performing will help you plan and build strategies that will guarantee your success in the future.

As a blogger, you want to stay on top of your blog’s progress at all times.

Unfortunately, you can’t do that if you’re away from your computer.

However, if you install the Google Analytics app on your mobile device, you can easily check your analytics and get a quick overview of your blog traffic.

Upon logging into your Google Analytics account, go to Real-time > Overview to see a bird’s eye view of how your blog is performing at the moment.

Making sense of analytics may seem like tedious work, but once you get the hang of it, it can make a huge difference in how you blog.

For one, it will help you understand who your audience is and why they’re visiting your blog.

5 – Record your podcast

Do: Use your phone to record podcasts during your idle time.

Don’t: Forget to create “at the moment” content

Recording a podcast while you’re on a long drive may not seem like the ideal recording set-up.

However, if you want to quickly create “at the moment” content for your readers, then this can be an easy way to start!

Since podcasting is very spontaneous, recording on your mobile is actually not that bad, especially if your blog personality is casual and laid-back.

Now, if you’re meticulous with the quality of your podcast, you probably have some doubt over recording on a phone.

Obviously, it won’t capture the same quality as you do in a studio with professional equipment.

But if you want to record something on the fly using your mobile device, you can’t go wrong with any of these apps.

The goal is to not let your ideas escape you.

Yes, you may be sacrificing quality here when recording from your phone.

But lightning doesn’t strike twice in the same place – if you have something that’s worth sharing to your readers, then record them right this instant!


If you’ve been blogging for years, you should know that writing is just part of the equation.

There’s so much you need to do for your blog to succeed.

You must promote your posts to your audience and engage with them.

You also might want to check how your blog is faring after publishing the posts.

So there’s a lot of things you can do as a blogger other than writing.

Never forget this saying:

Your blog doesn’t promote itself.

That said, your mobile device is perfect for this!

If you truly want to stay on top of your blog and make it the best it can be, then you need to follow the tips and advice above.

That way, you can grow your audience and build relationships with each one of them.

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