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What Is the Best Way to Preserve Your Blogging Reputation?

Although you cannot control how people view you or how they think about you, you can preserve your blogging reputation by simply surrounding yourself with good blogging buddies.

I cannot make anyone think anything about me. Can I control someone’s mind? No way. No human can control another human’s mind. We technically cannot control our reputation but we can preserve our blogging reputation by befriending a network of close blogging buddies.

For example, if a stranger trashes one of my eBooks – not that I care much about bad reviews, anyway – I simply observe my blogging buddies rush to publish positive, 5 star reviews for the eBook. Back in the day when I did care about my blogging rep, I recall asking friends to publish positive reviews on a read panned by a few strangers. My loving, loyal army simply dwarfed the negative reviewer in such a way that my collective reviews reached almost a complete 5 star job, even with the 1 star stinker kicking around over there.

Friends preserve your blogging reputation after strangers try to pull you down into the cyber mud. I even noted how a blogger who enjoyed my overall brand but turned sour simply disappeared into the ethers after my friends drowned him out. He was an okay guy but obviously locked clarity. I released him from my blogging circles. But he chose to stick around tp criticize me. I always find it weird when former friends stick around to take jabs at you when they could simply move on to connect with like-minded people. Anyway, after blocking him a few times he wormed his way through to leave a few comments but my loving friend network flooded his negativity with positive comments. Again, the best way to preserve your blogging reputation is to warmly build a network of loving friends who absolutely enjoys what you do. These folks bolster your rep, pronto.

 Loyal fans promote you and endorse you and buy your stuff and publish positive reviews of your products and services. Loyal friend networks keep your good name intact through their loving feedback. But you need to foster relationships with these folks versus just sitting around to allow strangers to take your brand into their hands. Some of my eBooks gained greater traction outside of my large friend network and became subject to a few negative, one-star reviews. Ditto for some of my audiobooks. For the few negative folks who tried to down my reputation, my blogging buddy network did a phenomenal job posting five star reviews to create more love around my offerings.

 Again guys;  nobody needs all positive reviews to make money online but it does feel good when you connect with folks who love what you do and they share their love through positive reviews. This is more about feeling good versus trying to succeed because solving problems is the ultimate key to blogging success. Getting positive reviews can help to boost your sales but simply helping readers with their most pressing problems is the way to make money blogging. so combining that with reputation management software is pretty much hitting the jackpot.

 Generously serve your readers. Bond with them. Forge rock solid friendships.  Appreciate your followers.  Promote fellow bloggers on your blog and through social media. Be genuine. Be authentic. Comment genuinely on top blogs in your niche. Bond with blogging buddies through messages and email. Allow bonds to form organically. In no time, these loving, loyal fans will help preserve your blogging reputation and accelerate your online success in the process.


Building a positive blogging reputation requires the trust of your audience. How do you gain blogging trust? I wrote an eBook covering that topic. Buy it here:

8 Tips to Gain the Trust of Your Blogging Audience


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