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SwissCoin Interview with Adèle van Aswegen, South Africa

This is the first SwissCoin Interview here on my blog and I’m glad Adèle van Aswegen from South Africa has agreed to answer a few questions about the people’s currency.

I signed up to SwissCoin on the 12th of June, 2016. That’s about 5 months today. As I write this post, I have made over €15,745 in bonuses. My career level is BLUE DIAMOND and my network has over 4000 members, thanks to my active team members and very supportive uplines.

SwissCoin is both Cryptocurrency and Multi Level Marketing. Profit from mining and trading coins is a thing of the feature. But the MLM compensation plan is already generating commissions for many as we speak.

That means you sign up people under you, they buy educational packages and you earn commissions. The marketing plan is like none else – no autoship, no weak legs, pays daily commissions, no over taking, etc.

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Here are four blog posts I have written about SwissCoin:

  1. Bitcoin Alternative ~ SwissCoin, Creating billionaires worldwide!
  2. SwissCoin is SCAM! They will take your money and disappear.
  3. $3,513 a day with SwissCoin MLM ~ Join the revolution!
  4. $6,574 today with SwissCoin!


SwissCoin Interview with Adèle van Aswegen, South Africa

Ok let’s move to my conversation with Adèle. Please drop a comment at the end. We shall both be happy to see you engage with us.

Hi Adèle, thanks for accepting to answer a few questions about SwissCoin. I understand that you are one of the leaders in South Africa and you are busy with promoting your business.

Hi Enstine, thank you for the invite.  I feel honored to be here today.

Q. Please tell us a little about you. Who is Adèle van Aswegen?

A. I am 35 years old and a single mother.  My live use to very ordinary, I worked in a 8 to 5 job my whole life.  In my last job I use to be an International Account administrator at one of the world’s biggest alcohol producers and exporters in South Africa.  I had a supervisor who could not stand me and she made my life a living hell at work, until I could not take it anymore.

Without planning I resigned not knowing what I am going to do next.  To make a long story short today I am proud to call myself one of South Africa’s leaders.  My team’s logo is “The People’s coin – Changing one life at a time” and that is my heart in a nut shell.  I knew I would make a success with Swisscoin because I am a very hard worker & I am focused but I did not expect it to happen this fast.  I am 2 months with the company now and my live didn’t just change it was transformed into an extra ordinary live.

I have traveled across SA & too Lesotho.  I met the most amazing people along the way.  There is nothing as satisfying to know I am helping to make a difference in people’s life’s.  I have never been this happy in my life.  I am reaping the fruits of what I have sowed in the time I have been here.  Some people will say if it is too good to be true – that is because they haven’t joined our Swisscoin family!

Q. How did you know about SwissCoin?

A. My mom heard about it and grabbed the opportunity with both hands.  She shared it with me.  She registered under the second person who registered in S.A.  I feel so blessed and honored to be a part of the history Swisscoin is making.

Q. Before SwissCoin, have you done any digital currency and coin mining before?

A. No, I did not even know there existed something like blockchain & cryptocurrency before I heard about Swisscoin.

Q. I see you are actively promoting the business. What’s your motivating factor?

A. I have a passion & compassion for people & people are struggling everywhere.  A lot of people struggle to find a job & the majority that have jobs struggle to make ends meet.  I know even the smallest package could make an enormous difference in someone’s life in a year / couple of years.  It is now our job to educate people and to empower them to make wise choices for their futures.  This is a once in a life time opportunity, Swisscoin has a phenomenal compensation plan except from the investment part.  As Zig Ziglar said “You don’t build a business – you build people – and then people build your business”.

 I train leaders and teach them to duplicate – we strive to live up to our upline’s moto “be the upline you always wanted to have”.  My team is also going to start a charity organization where we use a percentage of our earnings to uplift the less fortunate people.  I will announce the charity facebook page name on my business page “Income Through Swisscoin”.

Q. Some folks around the world say SwissCoin is Scam. Some say it’s Ponzi. What’s your position on this? Tell us more

A. I would say they did not do proper homework before they came to their conclusion.

Swisscoin is based in Switzerland.  One of the symbols on our coin is the Swiss cross, the Swiss cross is worn by quality products from Switzerland all over the world.  80% of the worlds money go through Switzerland, they are one of the worlds trusted countries when it comes to money.  That gives me a great piece of mind.

Q. Some people are still undecided. What do you have to say so as to help them take a final step?

A. It is a decision every person have to make for themselves – are you willing to risk €500 to make at least €50,000 or would you rather save your €500 and risk losing €50,000?

A lot of people missed out on bitcoin due to ignorance & a lot of people became millionaires even billionaires because they were willing to take a risk.

Cryptocurrency is the future; this is not a luxury it will become a necessity.  In a couple of years, the government is going to announce that cryptocurrency will be our method of payment – either we use this opportunity and gain from it or sit and wait till it is served into our laps.

Q. I understand there is a SwissCoin campaign currently going on in your country with a team from Europe. Which are the cities involved and how are the people in SA responding to the opportunity?

A. Yes our upline & leader from Sweden, Andreas Kartrud took time off to come and educate his entire downline & train all the leaders.  I had the privilege to join him and Pierre, who was the first person that joined Swisscoin in South Africa on the tour.  Johannesburg, Qwaqwa, Durban & Cape Town are the cities in South Africa and Maseru in Lesotho.

The respond all over exceeded my wildest imagination.  Everybody loves Swisscoin, once they understand what Swisscoin is about, how they work & how each person could benefit from it they can’t wait to spread the good news.  There are very strong teams based all over South Africa & Lesotho who are very focused and dedicated to make a change in other people’s life’s.  I am very honored, one of the president’s sons are one of my strong leaders as well as the general of S.A Army.

Q. And finally, what is the future of SwissCoin?

A. Andreas will be visiting S.A and Lesotho in the middle of January 2017, we will have the honor to tour with the company (the CEO, translator, etc).

Next year 2017, we will go public which means we will be able to use our swissCoins to purchase, the merchants will be announced at the launch that will be in Dubai.  I am sponsoring all expenses paid to every first diamond in each of my teams.

By end of next year we go public – IPO launch will be by 2017, then you will find us on all open exchanges.

I have full confidence that we will become one of the top 3 cryptocurrencies in the world.

Some Pictures from South Africa

Thanks Adèle for taking the time to talk to us about SwissCoin and your experiences. We look forward to a beautiful future with SwissCoin.

Thank everyone else for reading. Please drop a comment and share this post on social media.

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