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How Sherman Smith can help establish your home business!

It’s another Thursday and I’m so excited to talk to you about one awesome guy I have known for sometime now. I read his blog steadily and can tell you  he is great.

One thing that’s awesome about the bloggers I interact with is that they are F.A.K.E. (See what that means here before you start freaking out) Our blogger this week is definitely one of them and I’d like you to discover him more today.

Note that there have been many bloggers I have featured in the past. These are guys/gals I highly recommend you engage with. You  know the beauty and success in blogging depends on not only the number but the quality of bloggers you connect with. In my featured blogger series, I’m putting these savvy bloggers in one place, making it quite easy for you locate and connect with them. 

Meet Sherman Smith

Sherman Smith is definitely a person you don’t meet everyday. He has been a great supporter of my blog as well as some of the services and plugins I create. He is also one of the active users of BroadeNet

But let me tell you a little more about Sherman. He works in IT as a computer technician/network administrator, he plays piano and conga drums, and on top of that he dances salsa. His goal as a blogger is to help those entrepreneurs who are just getting started on their entrepreneurial journey. He focuses on people who work full time jobs, have families, and who don’t have a lot of time to work full time on their home business.

He particularly focuses on people who are in the transition of going from an employee mentality to a business/entrepreneurial mentality. So many people start home businesses without having a clue of what to do, how to do it, to what extent to do it, and where to find beneficial answers that will help them progress with their home business.

How does he know? 

Sherman’s first home business was, guess, a computer repair business which he struggled with and on top of that didn’t take off at all. So what did he do? He went from Computer Repair business to Network Marketing which he learned a lot from. He learned the value of mindset and personal development, sales and what tools that are available for offline marketing. For Sherman, being an introvert didn’t help him a lot with network marketing, but he was always curious of how people became successful with network marketing and other business models.


The Inception Of Online Marketing For Sherman Smith 

After getting some tips of how to cold call prospects from one of the top producers in his company, he started to do some research on how to market online. He ran into people like Mike Dillard and Jonathan Budd, and actually invested in quite a few attraction marketing systems.

Sherman pushed himself to learn what he could about online marketing whenever he had the time. If he didn’t have time, he made the time. He started having success using such strategies as Pay Per Click and Solo Ads.

After talking to quite a few people from his marketing campaign, he found out why so many people failed at their network marketing home business.

He discovered that for one they’re not developing the mindset for it, and for two they don’t have a clue about marketing and sales.

To break it down further he found that majority of people didn’t know:

With that said, he made it his mission to educate people about marketing their business online. While he’s educating people, he’s also educating himself in the process. Not just on the tools and strategies, but more on the people. He finds that like himself there are other introverts who are getting into marketing their home business online and are looking for direction.

Sherman’s Discovery Of Blogging 

Sherman heard about blogging back in the 1990’s, but he didn’t know he could leverage a blog up until 2010 where he started a free wordpress blog. He had started with another network marketing company and was encouraged to start blogging by his sponsor.

That’s when the journey of blogging began. He saw the benefits of blogging and how it can help you with your personal brand which he uses to gain trust from his visitors. And the one thing he wants to get across is that engaging your fellow man, building those connections and relationships are key to building a successful home business.

Ironically, with blogging as well as other marketing strategies helped him decide to focus his efforts on affiliate marketing, so he got out of the network marketing industry towards the end of 2013. He found himself to be more successful doing affiliate marketing than network marketing.

Sherman is a believer that you can make money with any business model that’s out there, but he also wants you to find the one that resonates well with you! With the information that he provides, it will definitely get your business to a good start with online marketing!

Some of Sherman’s Top Posts: 

Heres a Review Of The Product/Service he Promotes

Meet Sherman on Social Media

Time to engage with Sherman

While I encourage you visit his blog and social media profiles, drop him a comment in the comment box below. He will surely be around to respond.

Have you known this wonderful guy before? Do you read his blog? Say something 😉

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