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Postpartum Blogging – 6 ways to keep your blog booming after childbirth!

Postpartum is sometimes a difficult period for many moms. But I’m not here to give you medical tips.

Let’s see how to keep your blogging business booming during your postnatal days. This is certainly going to happen at some point to most of you ladies.

If you are a dad blogger don’t say this isn’t for me. The tips I’m sharing here will help you in moments when you are off your blog for some other reasons.

We all have days in our lives when we turn away from our regular duties. But we must always plan to keep the wheels turning.

Child bearing and becoming a mummy is a blessing. But trust me taking care of newborns demands a lot of unusual attention.

I’m a dad of three and can tell from experience, our ladies don’t always do their regular things during the first 6 weeks (or more) after having a baby.

Quick Read: 9 Mom blogs to follow and learn to make money

Blogging with pregnancy

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Pregnant mom bloggers should start planning ahead and that’s important. If you want your postpartum blog to maintain its energy, you must take steps and get things set during pregnancy.

Different women go through different things in their prenatal days. I have never been there before but I see my wife getting weaker and loosing her strength as the fetus grows to find its way out.

She’s not completely different from other ladies out there. Similar experiences happen to all pregnant women. Some may even undergo difficult health conditions that stop them completely for doing their things.

Remember we are talking about postpartum blogging and how to sustain your blog and income after birth.

As a pregnant lady running a mom blog,  here are some tips to help you get your blog ready to welcome the baby.

Quick Read: 15 several ways bloggers make money blogging

Prenatal wisdom for postnatal blogging continuity.

Ok if your blog has to keep booming during postpartum, here are a couple of things you should do before birthing:

1 – Create and schedule articles to be posted during postpartum

If you are expecting a baby, create more articles than usual. I’m sure your doctor must have told you the approximate date of the arrival of the baby.

Gone are those days when women are delivered of their babies without any prior due date calculations. If your doctor didn’t tell you, you may try out some online due date calculators.

What you should do is create and schedule the articles to be published later:

WordPress has a publishing feature that allows you to set the exact date in the future for your article to go live. I mentioned WordPress because that’s my default blogging tool. Any other competitive publishing tool you use should have this very basic feature.

Depending on your publishing frequency, create and schedule enough content to cover from four to six weeks from date of delivery.

Use any social media scheduling tool of your choice to schedule posts and tweets to keep your social media active too.

2 – Create relationships and connect with friends to help

You shouldn’t blog like an Island and I keep saying this. We all need people to keep moving. The healthy relationships you build and maintain is made up off people you can turn to during your postpartum period.

Hiring a Virtual Assistant (VA) is something completely different. Your VA might just be to do a thing a friend would have done.

Friends can help like with content publication, moderating comments, checking out mails, etc depending on the level of your intimacy.

3 – Allow guest blogging and schedule posts

Guest blogging is an awesome way to share your platform with other bloggers and authors who are not necessarily friends. What’s more interesting here is the fact that guest authors handle comment replies (and sometimes social media mentions) for you.

I personally believe this is a effective way to get content during your prenatal period scheduled to cover you up during the moment you are away taking care of the newborn.

4 – Pay all your pending bills

Don’t allow any unpaid bills interrupt your online business while you aren’t there. Be sure to check out you have your domain name and web hosting expiration settled (if they are to expire during that period).

Find out if any other paid tool you are using to power your blog isn’t going to require license renewal during postpartum.

If your blog should go offline, it shouldn’t be because you failed to renew your services as a result of being absent celebrating the baby.

5 – Tell your readers you are expecting a baby

This is one of the obvious things to do if you are blogging with an authentic identity. I know some mom bloggers won’t let this information out but sharing with your audience gets their minds set for your absence.

The reason for sharing with your readers is not to get sympathy. Of course it’s a good thing to be a mother. You simply let them know you are not negligent should you not respond to their mails or comments on time.

6 – Use Tailwind to schedule your marketing on Pinterest

Pinterest is a huge traffic platform for bloggers. But the tool has been designed to favor fresh content posted consistently.

Though Pinterest has recently added a pin scheduling option, the best third party scheduling tool is Tailwind.

It’s build with a smart scheduler to help you know the time your audience is more likely to engage on Pinterest.

So you see succeeding in postpartum as a mom blogger highly depends on your level of preparedness during your antenatal period.

Antepartum and your blogging business

You should do some final checks on your business the final days before the arrival of your baby.  Don’t assume everything is set.

Check to make sure your posts are properly scheduled be publish according to your desired calendar while you are spending time with family and celebrating the baby.

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