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Did You Learn Networking from Unskilled Networkers?

I wrote an entire eBook on how to network the right way as a blogger.

See me holding the paperback version below?

Every day, my social media and email mirror back poor networking tactics being taught to new or struggling bloggers. Bloggers may teach how certain networking techniques *work* but in the long run, silly tactics damage your reputation and lead to long term failure.

I see 5-10 networking mistakes or more in my email inbox daily. Obviously, unskilled networkers are teaching new, impressionable bloggers or struggling, desperate bloggers the wrong way to network.

Before you email me without using my name, understand this; I delete generic emails 99% of the time. If someone emails me and takes not 3 seconds to click my “About” page, I delete the email and you wasted your time. Most established bloggers follow a similar strategy.

Established Pro Bloggers Need a Mechanism to Disqualify Most Emails

I need some mechanism to delete 90% to 95% of emails to save my time and energy. I am busy. I need red flags, warning signs or other mistakes to note in order to delete most emails in a split second.

Seeing lame pitches, generic emails, competitive manipulation attempts or other silly tactics simply alerts me to delete most emails quickly. I could never read every word of every email because I have hundreds of things to do daily; like snapping selfies with my Amazon paperback.


[thrive_testimonial name=”Bubbie” company=”WorkWithBubbie” image=””]…Three weeks after I purchased your ebook on “How to get Featured on Top Blogs”, I was featured on THREE top blogs! I did not ask for the honor to be listed on those blogs. It happened naturally (like you said it would)…[/thrive_testimonial]

Buying my eBook and/or paperback would be smart if you never networked before, or if your networking seems to be yielding poor results.

Everything changes if you honestly ask yourself: who did I learn networking from and how did they teach me to network? Old school, hard charging, fear-based, greedy, desperate, mindless tactics never grow a lasting blogging business. People see through your manipulation quickly because top bloggers observed such lame approaches thousands of times.

But if you learn networking from Enstine Muki, you ride the blogging straight and narrow. Enstine gives freely.

Check out his guest post on Blogging From Paradise:

How Creating Local Content Can Boost Your Blogging Career

He wrote an excellent piece of content for our blogging community, giving freely of his time and talent. But he also generously promoted Donna Merrill, Christopher Jan Benitez, Anil Agarwal and Lisa Sicard. He then generously promoted my eBook.

He regularly shines the spotlight on other skilled bloggers. *This* is how to become a networking superstar. *This* is how to network effectively. Following networking advice from Enstine and I helps you become a full time blogger; plus you will enjoy the ride. Following networking advice from unskilled, failing, manipulative networkers ensures most if not all your emails eventually wind up in spam folders.

Competing Versus Co-Creating

I linked to one of the top bloggers on earth a while back. Said blogger has made millions of dollars. He generously co-creates with fellow top bloggers, mentioning other pros on his blog, working together to prosper. This is co-creating, or, ensuring everybody involved has a hand in both creating and prospering. Everybody wins.

I rarely check my spam folder but noticed a blogger I have known for years wound up in my spam. Strange. But it made perfect sense after I read the email. Said nice but unskilled networker alerted me that the top blogger changed his domain name a few years ago so my blog link is not accurate. So what? Why would I care? He did a redirect. Big deal.

Anyway, the struggling blogger suggested I remove the link from the top blogger and replace it with his link. This is competing, or, trying to lessen someone else’s success and exposure while you gain from the lessening. This fear-based approach has a winner and a loser. Does it surprise you that this dude’s email wound up in spam while the top blogger has made millions of dollars?

Learn networking from skilled, heart-centered bloggers. We teach you how to give freely, how to be generous, and how to build lasting, meaningful, fun bonds, so that everybody wins.

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