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How To Make Money With Google HelpOuts

The Internet giant, Google has come up with another new thing called HelpOuts to help experts in any field make money online. As a matter of fact, you can make money with Google Helpouts if you are an expert in something and you have some free time.

In November 2013, Google announced Helpouts—a new way to get and give help over live video. The goal is simple: help people help each other. Google wants to use the convenience and efficiency of the web to enable everyone, no matter where they are or what time it is, to easily connect with someone who can help.

NB: Here is how to make money commenting on blogs

HelpOuts is something that will forever change the landscape of Internet Marketing. It is a new way to connect people who need help with people who can give help over live video. Regular people like you can signup to become a helpouts instructor and charge for your time.

There are so many ways you can offer help on Helpouts and make money: You can teach someone how to fix his garage door, or how to remove a computer virus from his PC, how to install and configure wordpress, how to setup a WordPress plugin or Template, how to install an app on mobile phone, how to work in cPanel, how to backup database, how to use any software, etc. It basically starts from anything and ends at anything. There is no limit. People need help every moment and are ready to pay for it.

As I mentioned above, you can help someone install WordPress on their site. Now I ran a search to find out if some people are getting paid for this kind of help. Here is what I found:

You can also help people for free. That’s another way to network with many online.

NB: Creating a HelpOuts account at the moment of writing this post is by invitation. However, Joel Comm can help you get your account within 24 hours.

Make Money With Google HelpOut – HelpoutsProfit video course

Joel Comm & Joshua Writer, two Internet Marketing specialists have put their resources together to come out with what is known to be the most advanced video training center teaching you how to make money with Helpouts. HepoutsProfit is the most comprehensive course with over 36 videos from successful Internet Marketers, you will never be wrong giving this course a try.

Why I recommend this course

I’m an affiliate of this course. What that means is that if you buy from this blog, I get to earn acommission. However, I want you to understand I’m not promoting this product uniquely for the commissions. Here are some few reasons you should buy:

  1. I’m also taking the course.
  2. I don’t want you to make mistakes with Helpouts.
  3. I want you to have more ways to make money online.
  4. The authors of the course are authentic Internet Marketers who have helped many succeed online. These guys have authentic and solid Internet Marketing profiles
  5. This is going to be the next big thing by Google.

Check out this course here

Did you know of this new development by Google? Are you already part of it? Let me hear you out in the comment box

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