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How to make money with content !

If you can read and write, you have no excuse to be broke!


Because Content Is Money

Content is information. Content that’s money is information people are willing to pay for. As a matter of fact, information is the driving force of the world.

Everything you can think of is possible thanks to the power of words – written or spoken. That’s information.

From politics to technology, the world needs information to be alive. And if you can produce information and take it to the target audience, you will make money. Period!

There are 3 keywords here:

Content Production and distribution

  1. Content: Information
  2. Production: Gathering, processing and filtering
  3. Distribution: Taking the consumable information to the target audience.

If you can gather information, process it and bring out the useful parts that can solve readers’ problems and change their lives, you will only need one thing to make money:


Remember it is not just any information you distribute. Secondly, you don’t share your information with everyone. You must share with those that need it. That brings the notion of targeting right?

If you’ve got that useful information, there are different ways to carry it to your target audience – people who need it:

Can you really make money with content?

A quick answer to this question is YES.

Your blog readers, list subscribers, social media followers, video viewers make up your marketplace. The more readers and subscribers you get, the bigger your marketplace and the more money you can make.

There are two categories of visitors you will always get:

1 – Readers

These are people who want the information you share. They just want to read something that’s useful and that can change their lives. In other words, they are the buyers

2 – Sellers

They are those who visit your marketplace looking for an opportunity to grab attention from your readers. These are advertisers who pay you to talk to your readers about them.

They are ready to buy space on your property to place a banner. They want to sponsor content on your blog. They want to advertise on your channels. They want you to mention them on your live videos, etc.

And most often, your advertisers are your readers.

There are four main ways to make money with content from this point:

1 – Sell space to those advertisers: There are many who are willing to pay you directly to expose their products/services to your buyers.

2 – Sell your own services: If you have your own info products (eBooks, software,etc) and or service, you may want to sell them in your marketplace. I know of content experts who do not accept any form of third party advertisements on their blogs. They make a lot of money from selling their own products/services.

3 – Advertise products for a commission: This is generally called Affiliate Marketing and it’s one of the quickest ways to monetize your content.

It’s different from the first point where advertisers pay you upfront a certain amount for exposure. You fix the rate and your income only grows with the number of direct advertisers you get.

But with advertising for commissions, your income grows with how efficient you are in Affiliate Marketing. You may want to grab my book on Affiliate Marketing For Bloggers.

4 – Get paid per click or impressions

As your marketplace grows, you may want to do contextual advertising and get paid by the advertising platform per clicks or impressions. A good example of this is Google Adsense. However, this isn’t something quite good for bloggers in developing countries as clicks from these areas pay way too small.

Yes, Content is money

Can you read and write?

Put on your thinking cap. There are lots of things to write about.

Grab a copy of my book here

Though it targets Cameroon, it can help anyone worldwide. I just have local examples and recommendations. But the knowledge is same so you may want to contact me for a copy.

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