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How to Handle Business Crises

No matter how much planning you do you cannot avoid business crises.

Partnerships dissolving into thin air, your e-commerce site crashing or changing economic conditions level all but the most calm, confident and clear entrepreneurs.

Since you cannot dodge emergencies it’s wise to have a plan in place to deal with business resistance.

Struggling entrepreneurs press the panic button when things go south, making their business problems multiply at a rapid pace.

Experienced, calm and focused business owners know how to proceed despite any chaotic conditions arising concerning their venture.

Handling business crises quickly rewards you with experience to correct future emergencies, reduces profit losses and keeps your good reputation intact.

Follow these tips to handle a business crisis.

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How to handle business crises


Breathe Deeply and Relax

The simple act of breathing deeply relaxes the mind and body.

Your thoughts tend to follow your breathing. Slowing down your breath instantly slows down a racing, frenzied, addled mind reacting to some business emergency.

Slow down your movements. Calm down. Worrying or panicking only makes the situation worse because worry adds negative energy to the situation.

Think clearly about the next steps to take. Take 5 to 10 deep breaths to slow down your mind and feelings.

Practical Tips for Relaxing



Following a few daily habits to increase your relaxation and to move your attention toward your breathing does wonders for your peace of mind when things go south with your venture.

Create a Backup Plan Now

Depending on the nature of the problem, develop a backup plan to address the issue.

Website owners should backup files to address any migration issues. More than one blogger rues the day they didn’t back up files when a site migration erases their blog.

Think through different contingencies to land on your feet when a crisis occurs.

No need to develop a doomsday scenario but being prepared helps you be nimble at critical times.

Spend a few moments today establishing back up plans to put out business fires quickly and easily. Being prepared gives you a sense of calm confidence no matter what happens with your venture.

Outsource Headaches

Never try to solve a crisis if you have zero experience in the area.

Outsource to skilled parties for a quick resolution.

Waste no time or energy trying to handle a job you cannot possible tackle. Pay capable, reputable teams to manage projects or to put out specific fires.

Outsource headaches to quickly solve business problems.

Accept Emergencies as Part of Your Gig

Change is the only constant in life.

Entrepreneurs become intimately aware of this truth.

Business owners cannot avoid crises because the sheer nature of trying to manage 1,001 moving parts involves fires to be put out on a sometimes daily basis.

Most entrepreneurs struggle terribly with facing resistance because they cannot accept this basic truth. The moment you cease being an employee and take charge of your venture you receive heaping doses of both freedom and responsibility.

Own all that happens with your business. Even if an emergency didn’t arise due to your mistake the way to accept, address and move forward from a crisis is to own that it happened and you need to either figure it out on your own or outsource to find a solution.

Study Masters of Scale

The most successful entrepreneurs on earth keep their ventures running smoothly by scaling.

Reaching large, targeted groups of customers through the principle of leveraging helps you connect with a massive group of people who can help you with your issue.


Members of your customer base or entrepreneur buddies in your tribe can help you address a specific problem they’ve encountered in the past.

The importance of networking and scaling cannot be underestimated because your network comes to your aid while the lone wolf entrepreneur suffers trying to figure out everything on their own or through a scant few contacts.

Build your friend network through scaling. Reach as many targeted people as possible through your actions. Build a community around your online business through your generosity. Your business tribe helps you, supports you and inspires you when times are tough with your venture.

Crises Management eBook

If you want to weather the sometimes wild ride as a solopreneur buy my eBook:

6 Tips to Embrace the Solopreneur Rollercoaster Ride

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