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How Do Bloggers Get Connected?

how do bloggers get connected

Have you seen a blogger with a huge friend network?

Everywhere you look, they appear, like a magician.

Sometimes Enstine appears like a fine mist out of the vapors, popping up instantly in every corner of the globe.

He knows the secret of being connected.

He IS connected.

But he understands; “getting” connected ain’t gonna happen. No passive quality about it.

Appear to get connected by actively connecting yourself to fellow bloggers.

11,000 Comments on Disqus

I confess; 2 tabs are open on my Chromebook as I write these words.

1 tab links me to blogging tips bloggers. 1 tab links me to digital nomad bloggers.

Guilty as charged; I advise bloggers do 1 thing at a time to avoid overwhelm and to do the best job.

Anyway, I checked my Disqus account after publishing a comment last night. I wrote and published 11,315 comments on the platform over a decade.

That is just 1 platform.

I estimate I wrote and published 50,000 blog comments or more over 10 years.

Meaning I connected myself to a bunch of bloggers over a decade.

Forget about all my comments. Focus on Disqus. I read – or scanned – a ton of blog posts. I then wrote and published 11,315 mindful comments. Some long form. Virtually all, personalized. I worked diligently and generously to connect myself with bloggers through 11, 315 comments on Disqus and 50,000 plus comments on various platforms over my blogging career.

Can you see why I appear to be connected? Can you dig why I appear to be all over the place in my niche? I AM in 11,315 spots on Disqus alone. I became friends with many bloggers, building connections, offering value and helping folks.

Nothing passive about my connected-ness, guys. I did not get connected. Didn’t happen by accident, or by luck, or by me begging folks to introduce me to people, to do work for me.


Guys like Enstine and I connect ourselves to other bloggers by:

We did these things with no strings attached, for years, to become connected. All traffic, profits and blogging buddies seemingly flowed our way occurred because we busted our tails every day for many years to build our large, loyal friend networks.

Time Frame

I chuckle sometimes.

Bloggers advise that “blog commenting does not work” after half hearted attempts at blog commenting for a month.

I should send the screenshare of my 11,000 plus Disqus comments with a 🙂 to alert them; blog commenting works perfectly but they aren’t working blog commenting generously and persistently.

If you want to be connected you need to connect yourself with bloggers through authentic blog commenting and generous promoting over years of your life, 5-7 days weekly.

Well worth the effort guys. Fun deal too because blogging buddies make your life easier and are a fabulous support system during blogging highs and lows.

Think in terms of months and years, not days and weeks, to become a connected blogger. If it took only days and weeks of work to become a connected blogger, every blogger you meet would be an island hopping pro blogger. But since pro bloggers are rare you know it takes months to years of diligent connecting and creating to succeed online.

Put in the time.

Connect yourself with pros.

Build your blogger friend network from an active, generous energy to succeed online.

The eBook

If you want to become a full time blogger you can buy my eBook here:

How to Retire to a Life of Island Hopping through Smart Blogging


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