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#1 Tip to generate more affiliate sales from your blog in 2019

Affiliate Marketing is one of the ways bloggers make money blogging. Period!

As a matter of fact, it’s the biggest earner for most bloggers. The reason is that it’s quite easy to get in once you are able to drive some traffic.

If you are not sure how this functions, I recommend you grab my ebook here specifically written for bloggers.

Many bloggers make money promoting affiliate products. I know the feelings enveloping you each time you receive that ‘New Commission Received‘ email alert from the product you promote. I get several of such email alerts too.

But here are the main two problems I want to help you resolve:

  1. Your affiliate marketing income is on a decrease. OR
  2. The earnings are very irregular. This month you make $200. Next month it’s $300. The month after it drops to $100.

This is quite disappointing and unreliable. It makes you feel you’ve missed your way. Blogging isn’t just for you, you are thinking.


I have good news for you in this article because this hot tip will help you steadily grow your income. I’m not going ask you to buy a course. It’s not even about joining the next big thing. It’s just a shift in focus.

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How to grow your Affiliate Marketing income in 2019


Now, this is going to work for you even if you are just starting.

And if you’ve worked hard with no constant increase in earnings, revisit your commission structure.

Affiliate Marketing Commission Structure.

That is where the problem is and let me explain…

Each time you make an affiliate marketing sale, one of these two things happens:

  1. You earn a commission just ONE TIME from the sale: One-off
  2. You earn commissions MONTH AFTER MONTH from that single sale: Recurring

The problem or main reason your income is inconsistent is because you focus on the first commission structure: one-off

That means last month, you made 5 sales. This month, you’ve made 7 sales. Then next month, you’re going to make ZERO sales.

You see why your income is massive zigzag? The month you’ve made no sale, you get $0,00.

Sadly, some bloggers fake their income reports to cover this up. It’s a shame.

But here is the corrector…

Focus on recurring payment in 2019

If you keep promoting ONE OFF payment affiliate products, you will need to constantly drive traffic and generate sales to stay in the loop of earnings. But refocusing on recurring paying puts you a step further into financial independence.

If you generated 6 sales last month and earned $200, chances are that this month, you are sure of your $200 from the sales of last month. Add 7 more sales this month and look forward to $400+ next month.

If next month you don’t make a sale (for several reasons), you are still sure of your $400 plus.

As you add more sales to your bucket month after month, you will inevitably witness an unstoppable growth in your Affiliate Marketing income.

That’s why I recommend you turn your attention towards subscription based products in 2019.

Promote membership platforms

Paid membership or subscription platforms are responsible for paying you recurring earnings. A good example is an email marketing platform. There are many of them out there.

If you building a list for your blog, chances are that you are using an email marketing tool. Find out if it has an affiliate program. That could be a good option to begin with.

The web hosting industry would have been a good market for recurring payment. But it’s hard to find a reliable web hosting company that pays recurring commissions. That probably explains why these companies pay huge commissions on the first sale you generate.

Do your home work

You know your industry better than I do. Do some research to locate related platforms that pay recurring commissions.

If you find any, promote and promote. Make sure the product solves a serious problem in your community though. Don’t just promote to earn. Promote to solve problems.

The problem with subscription platforms

It’s sweet to promote membership platforms and earn monthly commissions from your referrers. But note that this is only possible if your referrers don’t cancel their subscriptions.

There are a couple of factors that affect keep members on a paid platform:

NB: Before promoting any membership platform, read customer satisfaction reviews. If you find out people complaining about the product, you may not promote it. That may indicate that many customers are leaving the platform.


If you want to grow your Affiliate Marketing income as a blogger in 2019, focus on promoting products that pay recurring commissions.

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