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Bootstrap Themes ~ Get Responsive Bootstrap Templates!

BootStrap is an exciting open source front-end/client-side HTML, CSS and JavaScript framework for the development of responsive websites. Yes! With the rapid growth in the bootstrap themes industry, I know this is soon going to be another big thing.

Initially developed by former Twitter employees Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton as an internal development tool, Bootstrap was released as open source project in 2011. At the moment of writing this post, it is the most popular repository on GitHub.

– > Visit BootStrap website for more information about it.

Websites developed with BootStrap are fully responsive. With the help of breakpoints & media queries, BootStrap sites will dynamically adjust to optimal viewing on mobile & tablet devices.

You don’t need to be a HTML, CSS or JS geek to develop professional responsive themes for your BootStrap sites. Here are some places to get the best bootstrap templates for the price of a cup of tea.

Bootstrap Themes – Where to get the best for your website

Since the release of the boostrap project, there have been a huge growth in the development of bootstrap themes in the market. There are both free and paid templates out there.

However, I encourage you read this post where I brought out some reasons why free is not free.

I have gone through some bootstrap theme stores and found out they are really highly affordable. Here are 3 of these stores;

Bootstrap Templates on Bootstrapbay

Bootstrapbay was the first platform I came across while looking for professional and  intuitive and the best bootstrap design. Templates from BootStrapBay are feature-rich, fully responsive, and customizable.

– >> Checkout boostrapBay

If you are bootstrap theme developer, this is one market place you may want to publish and sell your designs.

Bootstrap templates on WrapBootstrap

This is another interesting platform for a huge varieties of boostrap  themes. Like in bootstrapbay, you can easily go through a list of categories and select the most beautiful designs according to your needs.

– >> Checkout WrapBoostrap

Bootstrap designs from GridGum

I was going through GridGum and I think it’s one of the platforms you should check out for bootstrap themes. It also has a huge varieties of responsive WordPress themes. Beside Bootstrap, WordPress and Admin templates, GridGum has a wide range of premium responsive themes and templates to help with your website projects.

->> Checkout GridGum

Check Out Wrappixel

WrapPixel, a leading Indian Admin templates provider, 2016 has recently launched a new marketplace featuring well-coded Bootstrap 5 templates, including a dedicated section for Bootstrap Admin Templates.

Free bootstrap themes

Here are some platforms for free bootstrap templates.

BootStrap Tutorials

There are already so many places to learn more on how to use this framwork on the Internet. However, I came across this tutorial by W3Schools. It has the basics you need to start with this interesting development enviroment. Did I mention it’s free ?

W3Schools is however a training center for most scripting languages like Javascript, PHP, ASP, HTML, CSS, JSP, etc. So you may want to check that out if you want to start a career as a web developer.

So let me know if you have had a bootstrap website before. What were your experiences with it? Where do you get your bootstrap themes?  Will you advice someone to invest in it?

Share your points in the comment box

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