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Should You Become a Blogger or Podcaster?

blogger or podcaster

The age-old question of the internet really comes down to this: Should you become a podcaster or a blogger ?

While both have their merits, there is really only one answer if you are looking to get the most out of your content, and that answer is to do both.

You’re mixing timeless structure with new platforms of communication when you participate in both, and they can work together to generate more page views on your website. Doing both is a mixture of timeless content written and adaptation of technology through video.

That’s what the internet likes to see, and your readers will love you for it. You let them consume the information in their preferred method, and that’s only getting more important with time.

The problem really becomes how you use the two together. Do you write the post or make the podcast first? That’s really a chicken and egg kind of situation, and honestly, it can go either way.

Sometimes you will write a great piece of content that you want to discuss. Other times, you will write a piece on the discussion you had on your podcast.

Starting With The Blog

If you start with the blog, you have to make sure it’s a great piece that you can elaborate on. You want to be able to develop a well-rounded piece of content that your readers actually want to read, and that comes from researching your topic on a search level.

You can use free tools like UberSuggest to get your hands on free keyword metrics. Finding keywords that people actually search in your posts can really help you start ranking for those terms. That will drive more traffic, especially as your keyword profile grows.

If you need some inspiration for blog post ideas, you can find them all over. You can also ask yourself questions to generate topics. You can ask yourself questions like:

Asking yourself questions is a great way to generate topics, and get ahead of the curve when it comes to ranking for voice search.

If you can include those questions into your posts and answer them, you’re going to start ranking for queries by asserting your authority on the subject matter. After all, you had the right answer, and you knew how to say it the best.

Recommended: How to create a blog that makes money ~ The ultimate guide!

Can Podcasting Boost My Blog Post?

Absolutely! Adding additional content platforms to your post is a great way to get readers engaged in your content. It can give them another look at the same content in a different way. This also helps the people who choose to consume their information in a specific platform.

Not that they won’t use others, but giving them options lets them choose how they consume your material.

You can also use your podcast as a means of extending the topic of your blog post. If you are writing something that is broken down into sections that you already have podcasts for, you can insert the podcasts into the posts as a way to extend the content. Try putting a call to action just before it to boost the user experience. Something like:

“You can learn more on this topic in our podcast”

[ insert podcast ]

Starting From a Podcast

If you start from the podcast, you can use your blog content like before, or you can use it as a transcript style. You can even hover in the middle and create blog posts about the video that follow the same formatting, but have the information in a content friendly format.

This is the best way to generate keyword-friendly content onto your page, and have the podcast as the star of the show.

If your podcast covers a variety of questions, you can use a specific heading tag for the questions in the podcast, and put the content underneath. The post is also a great time to add any additional information that might have been missed in the podcast.

If you do add information, make sure you dictate that it wasn’t said in the podcast. It will help your readers understand this is additional information and again boost user experience on the posts.

Multi-Platform Content Engages Your User Their Way

Letting people pick how they consume your content will always help your posts perform at a higher standard, especially when all the content is sought after.

Whether you start from a blog, a podcast, or plan them together, you can create a wide variety of content to engage your users with. Audio podcasts, blog content, and video can all work together to create an immersive experience on every page.

Using these all together is a great way to boost your user time-on-page as well. Since embed codes are so readily available on platforms like YouTube and Buzzsprout, there is no reason not to add them to your content plan.

You can seriously boost your authority on topics by creating pages that walk your users through an experience on a topic.

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