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How to Up Your Blog Networking Game

I am writing these words from the Upper West Side of New York City.

This part of NYC has some of the most valuable real estate on earth.

Jerry Seinfeld, Steven Spielberg, Michael Douglas and Tiger Woods have all lived within a 2 block radius of where I am staying now.

Every one of these creative dynamos rendered some useful service or mastered some skill like no one else on earth but their connections ultimately helped to mold their stunning success.

Seinfeld got discovered. He became a known commodity nationally after appearing on Johnny Carson’s show.

Powerful Hollywood executives offered Spielberg the director’s role for the movie Jaws. He accepted the job and his career took off after the film became an all time classic.

The stories go on and on; nobody succeeds in a vacuum. You need connections to become successful in any endeavor.

Connected bloggers steadily increase their traffic, profits and heck, any metrics related to their blogs. But to become connected you need to polish your networking skills.

Follow these tips to up your blog networking game.

1: Leave Every Interaction by Offering a Handout

Either offer a reader or fellow blogger help or simply point them to a link or resource that addresses their needs.

Generous bloggers get connected. Stupid quickly.

People like free givers.

People do not like stingy, resistant, unhappy folks who hold back.

I set an intent; if someone reaches out to me and I engage them I help them in some way, shape or form. Doing so feels good and helps me network like a blogging boss because if you help people freely you tend to become pretty popular in your blogging niche.

Help people.

Help more people.

Even if someone doesn’t hire you, or place a sponsored post on your blog, or buy your blogging course, leave the interaction by offering them some help.

My friend Alonzo Pichardo does this well. Nobody ever leaves an interaction with him empty handed. He is not attached to outcomes so whether or not an individual decides to work with him, he offers them a helpful tip or points them to some valuable resource.

This is an abundant mindset in action and this is also why Alonzo has a huge network of loyal friends and followers.

2: Create Like a Machine

Some bloggers totally miss this fact: if you create prolifically you will up your networking game to sick levels.

Prolific creators set themselves up to be connected bloggers.

I write up to 6 guest posts on many days.

Each helpful blog post is almost like a networking partner, spreading the word for me, helping folks and drawing more blogging buddies to me.

Be prolific. Leave your comfort zone.

Create for, fun, with love, and you will dissolve many fear-based blocks that plague the masses of bloggers heavily attached to outcomes.

My friend Christopher Jan Benitez is a connected blogger in part because the dude is a creative machine.

His guest posts pop up on authority blogs again and again.

His prolific nature drew me to him.

Networking through creating wins again!

3: PCA







Promote other bloggers through your blog and through social media.

Comment effectively on other blogger’s blogs, creating 2-4 paragraph, personalized, thorough comments.

Then….do it again, and again, and again.

Networking big dawgs are good at giving. Connected bloggers make tons of good, genuine friends by helping tons of bloggers without looking for anything in return.

Promoting other bloggers and commenting on their blogs from a genuine, giving energy builds your friend network quickly.

The eBook

If you want to network more effectively buy my eBook:

13 Steps to Become an Unstoppable Networking Machine

Your Turn

How are you upping your networking game?

What tips can you add?

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