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Affiliate Marketing Partnership generates $16,000 in commission!

I think Affiliate Marketing Partnership for bloggers is full of awesomeness. This is simple! Two or more bloggers coming together, trusting each other and promoting one product on the same affiliate link.

What this means is more traffic, more sales and more money.

I’m inspire to write this post by 

Both of them came together, agreed on certain terms and promoted a single product from one affiliate account. These generated more sales and these guys walked away with more money -> $16,000+

I want to discuss this with you because I know it’s something that works and can help bloggers make more money with their blogs.

There are two things required for this to succeed!

1 – > You must trust each other!

Whether you are two or more (I don’t advise going beyond 3), trust must be the center of your partnership.

This involves money and there is absolutely no way to control what’s earned. You will have to agree to promote a single promote from an affiliate account owned by one of you. If you are three in the partnership, you’ll have to share login access into the affiliate account. But the aching truth is that the commissions will be paid just to one of you who will now go on to share accordingly.

That’s why it’s important as a blogger to position yourself where people trust you. Trust is an important business factor.

Can someone blindly give you access to his/her money account and walk away in confidence and peace of mind ?

Think about it for a moment…!

Harleena, in her guest post on Kikolani shared some highly recommended points on becoming an ethical blogger.

I sincerely believe in her points to succeed in this industry. If you want bloggers from other ends of the globe, people you’ve never made in your life, to fully trust you, you’ll have to be able to build trust by being ethical.

Harsh took the risk to give out his login details to Anil and he was not disappointed. Anil is an awesome guy and one of my active community member.

2 -> Affiliate product that pays more with more sales!

Affiliate marketing is a lucrative online business. Some products are positioned to reward you with more money if you put it a little more effort.

The more sales you make, the more money you earn per sale. This is common in Webhosting industries.

HostGator pays up to $125 per sale if you generate more sales per month.

Host1Plus, in the same webhosting industry pays you more with more sales.


Here is my simple reasoning …

If marketer A can generate 6 sales with HostGator a month and marketer B generates 6, that means both marketers are on $75×6 = $450 each and $900 for the two.

With concerted effort, promoting the same product from a single account, 12 sales a month give both marketers $100×12 = $1200.

That’s awesome, if you ask me!

From every stand point, partnership works!

So how do you go about Affiliate Marketing Partnership?

If Affiliate Marketing is one of the ways you make money online, you may want to try this out. I’m sure you have one or two trusted friends online doing almost the same thing as you.

All you have to do is share this post and give yourselves a chance. It doesn’t require any spending. You have to discuss the idea and move forward to its implementation.

Create a neutral affiliate account and share password and username. Decide on whose Paypal or Bank account will receive the commission -> Trust

Still not very comfortable with Affiliate Marketing?  Check out this excellent video training.

Donna shared with us different ways to sell Affiliate Product on your blog.

Tracking sales!

It’s important once you are into Affiliate Marketing Partnership to track sales. Why this is necessary is that it encourages partners to work hard.

If by the end of month, partner A generated 7 sales while B came up with 2 sales, you may run into problems. To avoid this, you have to lay out some sharing principles – If out of 8 sales, you make 6, what does 6 represent in terms of percentage?

How do you track sales?

Most of these affiliate platforms allow affiliates to create different campaigns and track sales. This helps you know which traffic source is working well.

You can use the same method to create different campaigns for different partners or generate unique sales tracking ID.

It’s absolutely up to you to decide how to handle the partnership and commissions sharing. In any case, everyone in the partnership wins.

Pros of Affiliate Marketing Partnership

Members make more money with combined effort


The trust factor is what must be thrashed out before everything else. If you have the wrong person to receive the commission, your partnership may crash.

So drop a comment and let me know if this is something you think can work for you. Do you have trusted friends?

If you like the post, please share on social media

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