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5 Rules To Achieve Your Blogging Goals This Year: Jennifer Dagi

On this second Thursday of the year 2019, I’m going to let our featured blogger share with us some golden rules to help us see success blogging this year.

Jennifer Dagi is a full-time relationship blogger and coach. She runs a blog about dating, relationship, marriage, weddings and self-improvement. Jen gives advice and tips to couples to help them grow a healthy and happy relationship.

She also has a free gift for you (no opt-in required) so be sure to read through to the end.

For a list of those who have been featured in the past, click here. If you want to be featured, see details here.

Over to you Jennifer.

It’s a brand new year full of energy and that means new blogging goals for every blogger including myself. I know you set some awesome goals last year and you really tried to achieve them but somehow you couldn’t. Don’t let that happen again this year!

Whatever you want to achieve in your life; financial success, great health or a rewarding career, you have to follow certain rules. I’m going to give you 5 rules that can help you achieve your blogging goals.

Rule #1 Be clear on what you want

The number one mistake most people make when they are trying to achieve something is not being clear on what they want. If you want to be successful in a certain area of your life, you have to first ask yourself “What do I really want?” It’s easy to say “I want to be rich or I want to be a successful blogger” but that’s not really a goal.

A goal is saying “Before the end of this year, I’m going to be making $1,000 every month from my blog or by September 30th, I’m going to increase my blog page views to 1,500 daily.” Those are concrete goals you can set because you want to be a successful blogger who is financially secure and happy.

So, what do you really want this year and why do you want it? Your answer is going to be your strongest motivation when things get tough.

Rule #2 Visualize your goals

You’ve set your blogging goals for this year, now what? How the heck do you go about achieving them? Are they going to magically appear before you? Of course not but you can make them more achievable by visualizing how it would feel to achieve them. Let’s do a little visualization right now…

Close your eyes and take a deep breathe. Imagine what it would be like achieving your goals. See yourself where you want to be doing what you love. If you want to be a successful blogger, visualize yourself having thousands of page views, a large network of blogging buddies and a big bank account.

What are you going to do with those page views when you get them? Will you apply for Adthrive? When you start making $1,000 a month, what will you do with it? You need to have concrete answers to these questions because they will motivate you to chase your goals. How does it feel to achieve your blogging goals? Exciting? Be grateful for that and do this exercise at least twice a day.

Rule #3 Take necessary actions

Visualizing your goals can make them more achievable but you need to take action in order to actually get to where you want to be. If you see yourself as a successful blogger but you don’t take the time to put in the work, you’re never going to get there.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve purchased a truck load of blogging courses, if you don’t implement the strategies in those courses, you won’t achieve any results. Many successful bloggers got to where they are right now because they worked their butts off in the early stages.

Whatever you want to achieve this year, you have to pour your time, energy and resources into it. If you’re thinking of starting a blog, do some research, choose a profitable niche and know what it takes to be a successful blogger. But don’t stop at just research, start a blog and take it one step at a time.

Don’t try to tackle all your blogging goals at once; it’s unrealistic. Break your goals into daily or weekly actionable goals. For instance, if your goal is to have 200,000 monthly viewers on Pinterest, your weekly goals would be to create new pins for your blog posts and share them on Pinterest daily.

Rule #4 Network, network and network

Networking should be one of your top blogging goals this year. If you want to be a successful blogger, you have to reach out and connect with other successful bloggers. Find out where those bloggers hang out and network with them. No man is an island; you must connect. Don’t tell me how shy you are; that’s a lame excuse you’re giving yourself. I’m an introvert myself and that’s why I chose to be a blogger instead of an actress.

I don’t like being in the spotlight but here I am getting featured on this amazing blog. It took a lot of courage to be here today and I feel so vulnerable right now but I won’t let that hinder my blogging success.

If you want to be a successful blogger, you can’t do it alone! You need someone to motivate you when you get down, you need someone to be accountable to and that’s why you need to network!

Rule #5 Don’t EVER give up

I would love to tell you all the mushy blogging stuff you want to hear but I won’t because it won’t do you any good so, I’ll tell you the way it is. Being successful requires a lot of motivation, hard work and commitment. It’s not a bed of roses!

There will be days when you feel like throwing in the towel and hiding under your bed. There will also be days when you jump with excitement and even do your happy dance.

No matter what happens, you have to keep going! Failure shouldn’t be an option. Giving up shouldn’t be in your dictionary. Quitting must not be in your vocabulary. Don’t EVER give up on what you want! Be patient, keep working and success will find you.

When I started blogging in 2016, I had absolutely no clue about what I was doing. My blog was just a hobby where I scribbled my thoughts and I didn’t even think of making a dime from it. As time went on, I started reading blog income reports of successful bloggers turning their blogs into full-time businesses.

From that moment on, I knew I wanted to be a successful blogger working full-time from home and earning more than enough money to take care of my family. I’m not there yet but I believe I’m halfway

there and I’m not giving up until I achieve those goals.

My free gift to you

I hope you will join me and conquer your blogging goals this year. To help you tackle those big scary goals, I want to give you my most cherished book “The Confident Me”. Let it be a guide on your journey to success. Have an amazing year ahead!

Click here to download. No opti-in required. Follow me on Pinterest here

Thank you for dropping a comment and let me know what you think about your goals for this year.

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