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What Does It Take To Make Money Blogging? Here Are The 3 Most Important Keys!

What Does It Take To Make Money Blogging? Hare Are The 3 Most Important Keys!

If you are looking to make money blogging there are 3 important keys that you must understand.

You have to learn what these 3 keys to successful blogging are before you even start blogging.

If you are a new blogger I highly recommend you to really pay attention to what I’m about to share with you.

I started my blogging journey in 2011.

I was a miserable construction worker, a high school dropout, and a grumpy dude.

I was hating life with a passion.

I hated my job. I hated where my life was going.

I felt like a nobody.

But, one afternoon I was browsing the internet and noticed a banner ad about making money online.

I clicked on it. 

It took me to a page with a video full of testimonials of average people earning a living working from home.

They were all using nothing but the power of the internet to build their income.

I was very fascinated at that moment.

It blew my mind to learn anybody could do the same thing.

Of course, it was easier said than done.

So, at that very moment, I made the decision to pursue that goal.

I started to dream.

I started to have a vision.

I pictured myself here right now.

Telling you about how to build a profitable blog online.

Because I’ve accomplished that.

I have been able to accomplish that dream I had back in 2011.

It did take me long years to make it happen. It was not easy.

But, there were reasons and factors that made it really hard for me to succeed.

Times have changed.

I mean, we’re talking about 7 years ago when I started my blogging journey.

It is a lot easier today to build a successful blog than it was when I got started.

I also was kinda dumb about everything.

I didn’t even know what I domain name was and I didn’t care to actually invest in my education.

I wanted to learn everything for free and didn’t want to spend money on the ebooks and course that had the information I needed in order to succeed.

I also had a big ego.

And I was also blogging from a place of fear.

Blogging is an energy game.

One awesome blogger who speaks a lot about this is Ryan Biddulph – you can check out his latest blog post here. He shares very helpful tips for every new blogger constantly.

It is very important you learn the right way of blogging from a loving energy.

Anyway, so, it wasn’t until I bought courses and ebooks, and listened to the successful bloggers that I started to get the results I was looking for.

Today, there is a lot of free information online about blogging and building an internet marketing business from scratch. This is why I say it is a lot easier to build your blog than it was years ago.

In fact, it’s a lot easier to build up any business than it was years ago, from starting a clothing line to doing commercial construction estimating.

I’m about to share with you these 3 most important keys to successful blogging – and I wish I found this information for free when I started back in 2011.

What does it take to make money blogging?

Aside from the fact that you must blog from an energy of abundance and love, you must understand the science behind successful blogging.

You need to learn what the 3 keys to successful blogging are and implement them right away.

You want to your blog the right way.

I’m going to teach you everything today.

Don’t worry. I got you.

Without further ado – here they are.

3 Important Keys To Successful Blogging

Key #1 Blog Design

I always talk about this with the new bloggers; your blog is your store online and you want to take great care of it.

How your blog looks like can make or break your success with it.

It’s like your own store in the real world (offline).

You do want to take great care of your store in order to be attractive to your potential customers. Right?

You don’t want to buy from a store that is dirty, unorganized, and just looks awful.

Don’t you agree?

If your blog is not clean, seamless, organized, and attractive to your visitors – what makes you think people want to stay there and follow your blog?

Or even click on something to buy or opt-in?

Think about this for a minute or two.

Let it sink in.

The design of your blog MATTERS.

A lot.

Every single detail matters.

It is super duper important that you start blogging with a great design from the get-go.

Key #2 Blog Conversion

This is correlated to blog design. If you want your traffic to convert then you must take care of your blog design.

You also need to have a crystal clear goal for your blog.

What exactly do you want your blog to do for you?

Think about this in details. Don’t be too general.

I know.

You want your blog to make you money.

That’s the ultimate goal.

It is possible to build an online income blogging. And you know this.

We get it.

But, you have to build everything step by step.

You have to follow the right process.

You have to become a smart blogger.

A pro-blogger.

So, you must understand the science that goes behind successful blogging.

Let me tell you something; driving traffic to your blog will not be your biggest challenge.

It’s not really hard to drive traffic to a website these days.

There are so many traffic generation strategies that you can implement. In fact, I’m going to teach you 101 ways to drive traffic to your blog in my ebook here.

The real challenge will come in the conversion of whatever traffic you are already getting.

I’m telling you right now that if you just took the time to really learn about conversion and how it all works and how you can improve the conversions of your blog, you can start getting a few subscribers every day with just 50 to 100 visitors.

I know this from my own experiences.

I started getting one to two new subscribers to my internet marketing blog every single day with just 50 visitors a day.

And that was because I really took the time to learn more about conversions and implemented the information on my blog.

Key #3 Blog Traffic

I’ve put this key last for a reason.

Your blog design has to be on point. Your blog conversion has to be on point.

Before you start putting the time and effort to drive targeted traffic to your blog.

I want you to think about this for a minute; you are spending hours each day implementing all of these web traffic generation strategies to drive traffic to your blog, wouldn’t you want every single bit of effort that you are putting into this to be worth it?

You don’t want to waste time.

Time is precious.

Time is the most valuable thing on earth.

You can’t get it back once you spend it.

So, with that in mind, you have to make sure that every single visitor your drive to your blog will convert into something.

You want a new visitor to either subscribe to your blog (email list), buy something you recommend, share your content, or leave a comment. Right?

You want your visitor to take action when they visit your blog for the first time.

If your blog design is crappy and your conversions are low -what are the chance of the visitor to take such actions?

What do you think?

Your blog is your business.

You are not taking great care of it. That is why you are probably failing.

Come on.

[Tweet “If you want your blog to pay you like a real business – then treat it like one!”]

You have to treat your blog like a real business.

Because it is.

This third key, blog traffic, is more about understanding traffic in a different way that connects all of these three keys together in a harmonious way.

I know you’ve learned a lot today.

I’m about to teach you even more.

I’ve recorded a one-hour video where I explain all of this in better details.

You should bookmark this page to come back later when you have extra time to learn – if you can’t watch the entire video right now.

You have enough information now to take your blog to the next level.

There is a learning curve and I just saved you a lot of time with the knowledge I just laid out for ya.

I’d like to hear from you!

What are your thoughts on these three keys to successful blogging? Do you think you are implementing all of them? What are you missing right now?

If you have any questions you can leave them in a comment below.

A tiny request; if you know somebody who would benefit from this information please share this blog post with them. I really appreciate all of your support. Thank you so much.

Thank you for coming by to learn!

Until next time.


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