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The Most Valuable List of Websites/Blogs That Accept Guest Posts & Contributions

The Most Valuable List of Websites/Blogs That Accept Guest Posts & Contributions

Before getting into all of the websites and blogs that accept guest posts, we have to talk about what a guest post even is. So, a guest post is a post that was written for and posted on someone else’s blog.

You might question why you should write a post if it is not for your own blog. In other words, why bother with posting on someone else’s blog? Well, the simple answer to that question is that those posts can help you reach new audiences, strengthen your marketing tactics, and spread the word about your work out there.

[thrive_text_block color=”blue” headline=”List of blogs that accept guest posts”]Looking for a list of blogs that will accept your guest post? Scroll down to see blogs from the Web Development niche or check more than 5,000 blogs that accept guest posts in all niches. [/thrive_text_block]

However, don’t expect that you can write in whichever manner you want and get guest posting opportunities. There are some basic guidelines you should be following if you want to have any benefits from this.

First of all, those posts should be well-written; I think that is a given. You want to show your talent through your posts and the fact that you are serious about this. So be careful when picking which topics you write about and make sure that you give maximum value to the readers.

In addition to that, try to write something that the reader will want to share on social media. These days, everyone uses at least one form of social media, and people often share things they like with their friends on their social media accounts. That is why your topics should be interesting to a large number of people. Also, the links that you embed into your posts shouldn’t be faulty or outdated, which seems logical, but can be something that you simply overlook.

When it comes to who can write a guest post, the short answer is everyone. However, the long answer is, everyone can write a guest post, but not everyone has the talent to write one that will be popular and shared thousands of times. Don’t worry, not every post has to go viral; it just has to be on-topic, well-written, and generate a lot of traffic.

With things going viral every day, the pressure to produce something that successful is high, but just because something is shared a million times doesn’t necessarily mean it is good. So instead of worrying about your post going viral, focus that energy on writing.

Next, you might ask yourself how long should your post be. Well, it shouldn’t be too short because more content means that it can rank higher on search engines. On the other hand, it shouldn’t be too long in order not to risk readers getting tired and bored.

You also want your posts to be clickable, that is, have a headline that will perform well in search results. You can achieve that by including keywords that rank high in search results and also words related to some trends that are currently happening. My advice would be to steer away from clickbait or sensationalist headlines. True, readers will click on them, but they won’t read articles that aren’t about what their titles are suggesting. What’s more, this may cost you your authenticity and credibility.

Like I already mentioned, you can add links to your posts, specifically links leading to your own website; this process is called link building. Link building is an important strategy when you want your website to grow. It is a good way of improving your search engine rankings and increasing traffic to your website.

When including links in your posts, opt for shortened and branded URLs that include your website’s name. By using such links, you are passively promoting your own brand; they boost your rankings on search engines and can be tracked, which makes it easier to determine their effectiveness.

Within guest posts, you can also link to your landing page, which will help you gain new subscribers and/or sell your product/service.

Finally, you can include links to expert posts; this will give your post credibility and expand your reach. When you link to a post from an expert, there is a chance said expert would also share your post with their audience.

But before actually starting your guest posting journey, think about what your goals are. When you know what you want to achieve through guest posting, you will have an easier time choosing the blogs and websites you want to pitch your posts to.

Generally, when you write guest posts, you want to establish your name and make something out of yourself in your industry. You want your name to be heard in the sea of other creators. Other reasons include getting more traffic to your website and building backlinks, which I have mentioned above.

If you want to expand your audience and reach and increase traffic as well as conversions, you should aim for blogs that already have a large audience. Working with big blogs means that somebody is bound to see your posts and hopefully share them.

If your main priority is building backlinks to your website, then find websites/blogs that have strong domain authority.

All in all, it’s important to have goals and stay focused on them.

How can you benefit from guest posting

I already touched on why guest posting is good for growing your website, but there are a few more reasons why you should consider guest posting.

Guest posting is a great way to build relationships. When your posts add value to other people’s blogs, you will build meaningful relationships with those people. Thus, if an owner of a blog you are posting for is influential, you can benefit from having a friend like that in the business.

Besides that, guest posting introduces you to a lot of new people, and as we all know, networking is essential if you want your brand and website to grow.

The best part of guest posting is that you are entering an already established community with a number of established names that can help you in your journey. Along the same lines, you might want to think about giving others the opportunity to guest post on your own blog. You can both benefit from guest posting on each other’s blogs.

Another reason you should allow guest posters on your blog is to gain a new and fresh perspective and add new interesting content that your blog is currently lacking. This is certainly not obligatory, but it helps you present yourself in the best light.

If you are wondering how often should you do guest posts, well, that again depends on your goals and how fast you want to achieve them.

So, ask yourself. What are your goals in terms of marketing? Is your website a new one that needs a lot of exposure or one that needs just a little push?

Once you have written one or two guest posts, track them and see what the data says. If they haven’t gotten the traffic you need, then you might want to pump things up. However, if those first posts got the desired attention, maybe it’s better to take a breather.

Finding that perfect guest posting opportunity

The next step in this journey is finding guest posting opportunities. First of all, you should look for sites that belong to your niche or industry. In other words, look for blogs/websites that have content similar to your own and whose readers will be interested in what you have to say. Second of all, it’s best if those blogs/websites have a larger audience that is engaged, meaning that their readers are sharing and commenting on their posts.

Also, it helps if the owner of the blog/website is active on social media and is willing to promote your posts on there.

So, you might want to start with your friends who have blogs/websites. In most cases, they will say yes, and both of you will benefit from guest posting.

Similarly, you can share on your social media that you are looking to write guest posts. Chances are, some of your Twitter followers or Facebook friends have a friend or an acquaintance that has a blog in need of new content.

While we’re on the topic of social media, we should tell you to search Twitter and some other social media platforms. Bloggers often mention their guest posting efforts, and by doing so, allow you to find blogs that are accepting guest material.

You should search for keywords such as “guest post”, “guest blogger”, “writer needed”, and so on.

After social media, next up are search engines. Simply google the keywords mentioned above and add some of your industry’s popular keywords as well.

You can also just search for blogs in your industry, and once you find some that you are interested in, check if they accept guest posts or if they did in the past. If they currently accept pitches, then go on and pitch. If they don’t, don’t get discouraged, you can still send them an email; you will just have to be a little more persuasive.

Similarly, if you know of some guest bloggers from your niche, search their names along with “guest post”. That should lead you to the blogs they are writing for.

Also, when looking for guest posting opportunities, you should take some metrics into consideration. Things like the average number of daily visitors and pageviews are very important because you don’t want to waste your time and resources on a blog that doesn’t really have an audience.

Other metrics that are important include website ranking, number of unique visitors, social following, and audience overlap score. The last one is particularly important when looking for guest posting opportunities because it shows if a blog/website has the audience you want to reach.

Once you have found the blog you want to guest post on, focus on writing the pitch so that they can’t turn you down.

Keep on reading if you want to learn what a good pitch should include and how to write a guest post that will drive that much-needed traffic.

Pitching and writing a guest post

Before you actually pitch your post, you have to prepare yourself. Let’s say it together, “Failing to prepare is preparing to fail”.

So first, check out the content a blog/website is publishing, what type of audience does it have, and its overall style.

Second, take a look at the other guest posts on that blog/website and who the guest posters are.

Lastly, find out which types of posts do best so you can pitch a topic in a format that will be perfect. In addition, follow any specific guidelines about guest posting that blog/website has.

If you are pitching to a big blog with a large audience, the owner or its marketing team probably don’t always open every single email they get. Because of that, your subject line should consist of something that is pretty straightforward, so whoever is supposed to be replying immediately knows if it’s something they want to open.

That being said, when they actually open your email, you don’t want them to see something generic and overused. So try to make your email unique and personalized. Introduce yourself in a courteous way, but don’t talk too much about yourself or kiss up to the blog owner; that will make you sound cheesy and insincere. Instead, add links to your existing posts that show the value you could be bringing to their blog/website.

If you follow this advice but your pitch still gets rejected, it is probably because you had grammar and spelling mistakes in it, or it is obvious that your email was not written specifically for that blog/website but is rather used as a mass outreach template.

Hooray, your pitch has been approved. Now comes the time to actually write the guest post. This won’t be too difficult if you are already writing posts for your own website, but you should still be careful about it.

For starters, don’t think you can slack off because you are just a guest on someone’s blog. Instead, this is the time to really show the quality of your posts. You are in front of a new audience, and you have to win them over with your writing. That is why your posts should be interesting and an introduction to what you have on your own website.

Since the readers don’t know you yet, make sure they read your whole post. To achieve that, you will have to write a strong introduction so that they just can’t wait to read the rest of the post.

And lastly, try to make the topic of your post seem like the most interesting thing in the world.

Websites/Blogs that accept guest posts and contributions

Now that you know so much about guest posting, you are ready to start doing it. So keep reading to find out which websites/blogs accept guest posts and other contributions.

[thrive_text_block color=”blue” headline=”Need more sites where you can submit a guest post?”]Click here to check more than 5,000 blogs that accept guest posts in all niches, monitor their DA score, and a number of published articles before you decide to write for them. [/thrive_text_block]

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