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5 Alarming Website Statistics You Need to Work on Now

5 Alarming Website Statistics You Need to Work on Now

Websites statistics give us a concrete picture of how we are doing as a brand and as a business.

Businesses have turned to the power of the web to attract audiences, convert new customers, and increase loyalty in their current market. And web statistics have given marketers essential insights on creating strategies that increase conversion rates.

But did you know that 63% of companies state that generating traffic and leads are their top marketing challenge? And 26% of these businesses also consider managing their websites to be a problem.

Because of this, we give you five alarming website statistics you need to take note of, and tips on how to improve your website management today.

81% of shoppers conduct online researches before making a big purchase

Nowadays, what people research online heavily affect their buying decision. From personal reviews to pricing comparisons, consumers take all of these into consideration before making a purchase.

This behavior alone tells you how important it is for your products and services to be available online.

Search engines generate concrete results for businesses. In a month alone, Google gets over 100 billion searches, and 48% of consumers say they start their mobile research with a search engine.

Because of these numbers, it is imperative that you create high-quality content on your website.

Companies that blog 11 or more times in a month get four times more leads than the others who don’t.

Reading a blog is much like having a direct conversation with the writer. It can be candid and entertaining. It can also talk about product reviews and recommendations.

These quick reads are easy to consume and give the audience digestible information and advice. It’s also a powerful tool that marketers use to gain new leads and also create a relationship with their audiences.

When you create blog posts regularly, optimize it, and enrich its quality, you also strengthen your credibility and authority as a brand. It also drives traffic to your website and leads more people to find out about your services, increasing the chances of them making a purchase.

Check out how to create exceptional blogs here.

Facebook continues to have the most engaged users, with 70% of them logging in daily.

It is said that 72% of internet adult users use Facebook, but only 45% of marketers feel that their Facebook marketing efforts are effective.

Facebook has its marketing tools, such as Facebook Page and Facebook Ads that help you create and target your ideal audience.

Other features also include Facebook Live. Here you can stream live videos to your audience. You can also host Q&As with your fans, conduct interviews with influencers, do product demos, and even broadcast what happens behind the scenes in your business.

With the right call to action, Facebook can help generate and increase your website statistics, as well as your sales.

55% of people consume video content thoroughly

In the recent years, one to two-minute videos has taken over people’s newsfeeds on social media. In fact, nearly two-thirds of consumers are said to prefer videos under 60 seconds.

In an average week, Youtube reaches more 18+ year-olds on mobile alone during prime time TV hours than any cable TV networking.

Also, 51.9% of marketing professionals worldwide name video as a content type with the best ROI.

Because of this, you should include video contents in your website. With a high-resolution camera, an internet connection, and a Youtube channel, your imagination is your only limit.

25% of visitors leave when a site takes longer than four seconds to load

Did you know that your website speed has a huge impact on how your page will rank?

Recent studies show that people care more about how fast your website loads than what they can find in it. That is why you also need to prioritize your website’s speed as much as all the content you put in it.

So how do you speed up your website loading?

One of the quickest ways to improve your website’s speed is to simplify your design. Reduce the number of components on each page to reduce the number of HTTP requests needed to make the page render. Doing this will significantly improve your site’s performance.

Visit Yslow to evaluate your site’s speed and performance. This site will also give you additional tips on how to improve your website. Google’s PageSpeed Tools also provide more information about performance best practices and automation.

Enable caching and optimize and compress your images to avoid lags.

And most importantly, choose a good web host that offers fantastic support like Hostgator or WPXhosting for dedicated WordPress hosting.

NB: This blog is hosting by WPXhosting with the following stats:


The key to growing your website’s traffic lies in three things: knowing the needs of your target market, knowing your campaign goals, and consistency in messaging and implementation.

Doing these things will improve your website statistics, and then you’ll be ready to take over the world.

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