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Why You Should Consider Running Your WP Sites from One Dashboard

Why You Should Consider Running WP Sites from One Dashboard

If you are currently running more than one WordPress website, you certainly must be going through the pains of jumping from one WordPress admin to the other. One of the initial worries you are going to face is choosing the right WordPress host. Donnacha MacGloinn came up with a helpful post on how to choose WordPress hosting.

It could be quite easy to install WordPress on your site these days. However, if that’s an area you are facing challenges with, you may want to check out this WordPress installation guide by my friend Freddy Muriuki.

And as you know, installing WordPress and having your blogging available on the Internet is a reason for excitement. There is more to it. Susan Velez posted a huge post on WordPress for beginners I’d like to recommend at this point.

Moderating comments, upgrading plugins, publishing content, etc, are just some of the few daily activities of any active WordPress blogger. Managing three, five, or more sites makes it even more complicated if you don’t put it all together under one roof.

I knew this wasn’t a problem I faced alone as an avid WordPress user. So I set out to some of the top industry actors to find out from them the benefits of consolidating WordPress sites management in one dashboard.

Here is the question I put to them and their various answers.

Q. What are the advantages of managing Multiple WordPress sites from one dashboard?

Shyam Bhardwaj

The auxiliary technical and recurrent whacks for managing multitudinous WordPress blogs are always overwhelming for all of us. Although WordPress is a gold mine platform for bloggers due to its easy-to-use interface, it needs a lot to keep just one site up and running.

You update the WP version, install/delete/update plugins, configure SEO optimizations, frequent backups and attempt everything requisite to secure it. It consumes a lot of your time, which should rather be invested in writing blog posts and promoting your blog. Right?

On the other side, many services enable you to manage multiple WordPress sites from a single dashboard, without having to log in to each site individually. So, it saves me a ton of time and transforms the blogs management process, and makes it all that much easier; as a result, I can go out and focus primarily on the writing side.

Adam Connell (Founder of Blogging Wizard)

I’ve been using a single dashboard to manage all of my sites for a few years now. At first, I thought it would be an added complication – another tool to add to the long list of existing tools I already used.

But I couldn’t have been more wrong. Centalised site management has benefited me by saving time and giving me peace of mind. For the most part, I have a single dashboard to update themes, the WordPress core, and the essential plugins I use across my sites.

The more sites you have – the more time you’ll save, and time is money.

And while I do mostly use a single dashboard for running updates, most of these tools also offer other features like:

Overall – it’s a huge time saver!

Donna Duncan (SEO / Content Marketing Consultant)

The main advantage of being able to manage multiple WordPress sites from one dashboard is being able to do routine maintenance efficiently. Because WordPress is one of the most popular website platforms in use today, it is also a target for hackers who want to have fun or exploit weaknesses.

Similarly, every WordPress site uses plugins that enable added features/functionality. Those plugins and your core WordPress code need to be updated regularly in order to keep your site secure. Updates take time, and having the ability to update multiple websites simultaneously is a time saver and distinct advantage for those managing multiple websites.

Ronald Segura (CEO & Founder of Web SEO Marketers)

Managing multiple WordPress sites can be a little challenging. One of the advantages of being able to manage multiple sites from one single dashboard is that you can easily take care of any routine tasks pretty quickly without needing to log in/log out repeatedly.


This way you actually save time that you can then invest in other things that may be more productive. You also have more control over what happens to every site. If you have multiple editors you can easily manage multiple users from one single dashboard. You can also upgrade all your sites at once without going through the hassle of updating each site individually.


In general, managing one single blog by yourself can be very difficult sometimes depending on how many tasks you need to take care of. Therefore, if you have multiple sites, it’s a really good idea to have them all in one single dashboard so that it can make things much easier for you.

Raelyn Tan (Blogging & Digital Marketing Strategist @

I find that managing multiple WordPress sites from one dashboard allows you to quickly switch from strategizing and doing work for one site to doing work for another without interrupting your thoughts. This allows for more efficient work, given that interruption to work has shown to be extremely unproductive.

By seamlessly allowing users to switch from one site to another, users can move from site to site seamlessly and save precious time that would have been spent trying to log in and log out.

Also, having all your sites in one dashboard will make things more organized – you have all your sites in one place and there is no need to remember multiple passwords. This will allow you to focus on what is important – your work!

Helvis Smoteks (CEO at Market Me Good)

Time is money and just this one simple reason is why having one dashboard for all your WordPress sites is a must. On top of that, knowing when someone comments, links, or if there’s an increase in traffic lets you always stay on top of the game and pay attention to the website where it’s needed.

Just imagine if you could log in to all your WordPress websites with one log-in, manage the sites straight away and view all the metrics in one dashboard. Wouldn’t that be cool? That’s exactly what I am talking about and the best part is there are Free solutions that can save your time and help you focus your attention where it matters.

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