I am not the Energizer Bunny.
But I am a kinda energetic dude.
Many folks want to know my secrets for remaining energized for your online business.
If you consistently raise your energy levels you literally operate above the problems, obstacles and roadblocks faced by most online entrepreneurs who are vibing on a lower wavelength. Their fear-based energy makes them a match for writer’s block, smallish life circumstances and all manner of piddly mental blocks that you would look past if you vibed on a higher level, in the spectrum of love, fun and abundance, versus the fear, stress and scarcity level that most entrepreneurs vibe at.
Vibing higher promotes your online success. Being prolific, generous and effective in all your dealings will grow your business quite quickly.
Follow these 4 tips to remain energized for your online business.
1: Follow an Energy Management Ritual
I spend the first 60 minutes of every day:
- Doing 40 minutes of yoga
- Meditating for 20 minutes
- Spending a few minutes thinking about a line from A Course in Miracles
- Standing for 10 to 30 seconds inside of an icy cold shower
This simple but incredibly powerful energy management ritual has helped me appear to be everywhere in my online business niche.
I regularly write 2-5 blog posts daily, most of these posts being guest posts. Toss in my ample networking and you may wonder how I found the 25th hour.
I don’t have more time than anybody else but I do produce a high volume of helpful content by steadily raising my energy levels on a daily basis.
The energy work you do away from the laptop can have a miraculous effect on your online productivity.
2: Why?
Why are you involved with an online business?
Tie this reason to something fun and freeing.
Picking a high energy, fun, loving driver gives you ample energy for this journey.
Ever notice how I seem to be all over in the blogging niche? I have written over 1000 guest posts, I read and comment extensively on top blogging tips blogs and even read and comment extensively on top travel blogs too.
I love what I do. I keep doing it. I stay energized because this journey is not work, but play, for me.
Follow your passion. Follow your fun.
Do not chase profits because money will elude you during your newbie entrepreneur days, sapping your energy when you lose your driver.
Energize yourself for a fun but long journey. Pick a niche you feel passionate about. Make the word the reward, to keep on keeping on and to steadily boost your energy levels.
3: Rest
Avoid online business burnout by pulling back from your work.
You are not a cyborg. You are a human being that requires 6-8 hours of sleep nightly plus ample daily rest from your online venture.
I spend a number of hours offline daily between my exercise regimen, yoga, meditation and fun travel activities.
Schedule time to relax. Energize yourself when it’s time to get back to work.
4: Follow Advice from Leaders
If you follow advice from leaders you feel:
- Clear
- Confident
- Relaxed
….about the advice you are following.
No wheel spinning. No struggling. You just know the knowledge is good money because pros doled it out.
Follow leaders in your online business niche. You will remain energized, fresh and focused because you won’t waste energy chasing fear-based, crappy, failing strategies often shared by struggling entrepreneurs.
David Boozer is an excellent teacher in the online business niche. Following his insights can give you confidence and clarity in your venture.
Feast on proven products, services, blog posts and eBooks from these pros. Invest your time and money on helpful content that will energize you and promote your online business success.
The eBook
If you want to stay energized with your online business buy my eBook:
10 Tips to Cure Online Business Burnout