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How to monetize mobile traffic without hurting your SEO!

Here is a smart way to monetize mobile traffic!

A significant portion of the traffic to your blog comes from mobile devices these days. That’s because of the rapid growth in mobile technology and the portability and ease of use of mobile phones. People are always on the move so this somewhat justifies the increasing use of portable devices on the net.

If you are monetizing your blog and not paying attention to your audience on mobile, you probably are leaving out a huge portion of your market.

In today’s post, I want to discuss how to get into this untapped phase of the market and stand a chance of making even more money with your blog.

According to Google Analytics, mobile traffic to one of my blogs in the month of September 2015 accounted for close to 50% of total traffic. This makes a lot of sense to me trying to implement any mobile traffic monetizing method.

Unfortunately, most Affiliate Marketing platforms offer a mobile monetizing model that turns your SEO against your effort.

Here is what happens …

You signup to their platform, grab a piece of code and paste on your blog. Once mobile traffic hits your blog, the visitors automatically are redirected to a landing page where they are expected to carry out some action before finally being taking to the destination url. This is an SEO problem as search engines are treating the redirecting of mobile users with severity.

What is the solution ?

So how do you monetize your mobile traffic without risk of being penalized by search engines?

Recently, I came across Propeller Ads and have been studying how their mobile traffic monetizing technology works. I think it’s something you’ll have to try to implement after reading this post.

First, signup to here. It’s absolutely free. The second step is you’ll have to add your side to the platform. Note that the domain name on which the ads will run has to be approved.

Once you are approved by platform administrators, it’s time to grab the code and paste on your blog. This is another simple process.

Login to your account and click “Sites” on the left menu. Next, click on your approved site and then on “Add New Channel” This brings up a window similar to the screenshot below;

From the screenshot above, you clearly can see different ad sizes to monetize desktop traffic and of course, two ad formats for the monetizing of mobile visitors.

Once you choose the Mobile Advertising Ad Type, click the ‘Next’ button and follow on-screen instructions.

How does Mobile Advertising work?

Now, we saw earlier that there are two ad formats to monetize mobile traffic. Let’s examine these and discover how they don’t redirect visitors, making our blog Google compliant.

1 -> Mobile Dialog Ads

This is a universal advertising format which fits on any mobile device. It pops up a systematic notification with buttons for proceeding to the advertiser’s offer or for closing.

The Dialog Ads/Push Up works on all mobile devices running on any Mobile Operating system.

2 -> Mobile Interstitial

This is simply a full-screen premium banner, displayed horizontally or vertically depending on the orientation of the mobile device’s display. With an X button top left of the ad, it makes it easy for the visitor to close the ad without getting distracted.

Once the code is added to your site, the advertisement will start to work! You do not need a mobile version of the site for this.

Case Study – Propeller Ads don’t have negative impact on your SEO!

A case study on two popular ads proved that running Propeller mobile ads on your blog don’t have a negative impact on your site’s natural traffic.

This study was done on two sites with a huge portion of their traffic coming from Google. For 30 days, it was clearly demonstrated that monetizing your mobile traffic with Propeller is safe.

-> Mobile Dialog Ads, 30 last days stats!

-> Mobile Interstitial Ads, 30 last days stats

Customizing your ad Channels!

This is an advanced feature with Propeller Ads that makes it a more useful mobile traffic monetizing tool. This feature (available on request) allows you to;

Once you sign up and want these additional options, contact your account manager who can also give you recommendations on the efficient use of ad units for your site.

How to cash-out your earnings

This has been a major concern on most Internet Marketing platforms. While most have just the option of paying earnings to Paypal, (making it quite difficult for International Marketers and bloggers to be part of their network) Propeller Ads spreads it across different payment options including the rapidly growing Payoneer.

[thrive_link color=’blue’ link=’’ target=’_self’ size=’medium’ align=’aligncenter’]Create a Free ProperllerAds Account[/thrive_link]


Now, Google’s Mobile First approach obliges every website owner to think mobile. That means any tool to help monetize mobile traffic should be a great addition.

If you are getting mobile traffic, you should be able to give this tool a try. However, remember that while it’s exciting to generate more income on your site, your readers should come first.

Drop a comment and let me know if you’ve used this platform before. Let me also know more about your mobile traffic.

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