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Want to Make More Money ? Do This Simple Crazy Thing Now!

make more money online blogs

If you want to make more money online, especially if you are into affiliate marketing, there is this one thing I want you to do right now (except you’ve done it already). This is certainly going to help you see more drops of earnings as from this month.

As a matter of fact, I brought up more details on this and many more result-driven methods in my ebook “Affiliate Marketing for Bloggers“. If you still haven’t gotten your copy of this ebook, you may want to grab it now to take your money making online business to the next level.

Affiliate marketing is without doubt, one of the most lucrative ways to make money blogging. The way it works, you don’t have need to own a product. You simply promote others’ and get paid.

But there are many ways to do it. I have written extensively on this blog and I’m convinced it’s never going to be exhausted.  Julian Sakanee recently shared with us 4 Ways to Promote Affiliate Products on Your Blog. This is one hot piece I recommend you check out.

Now, the method I want to share is already getting talked about around. Pro bloggers are using it and telling their readers about it. The reason is that they see results.

Lisa Irby mentioned it as a credibility boosting tactic that helps convert more affiliate sales. So you see it’s proven to work. Unfortunately, many of you reading this post ain’t just going to see any results because you will end at reading about the method. But anyone who does the exact same thing explained here will surely make more money.

Here we go…

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Showcase Your Tools to make more money!


Human beings will always copy what they perceive to be successful in others. If you blog with this understanding, you are soon going to discover how important it is to show your readers those tools and plugins you use to power your success.

Once they read your blog and find out you have a beautiful design, fast-loading blog, irresistible lead capture window, etc, they would start trying to know what is it that you use. This makes it a big opportunity to talk about your tools and earn from the recommendations.

Here is the point…

Do the following two things if you are excited about affiliate marketing:

  1. Find out if these tools you are using have affiliate marketing programs. Sign up to them.
  2. Tell your readers about your tools and be sure to use your affiliate links.

A better way to do it

Once you’ve signed up to these affiliate programs, what I recommend (and what I think works well) is to create a tools/resource page. This is simply a page (not post) on your blog where you tell your readers more about your tools. An attractive resource page looks like this:

Check out my tools page here

Give your page more exposure!

It’s one thing to get this page up and it’s another thing to get it visited. The easiest way of course is to link to it from your sidebar or top menu.

How do you know if readers are interested in your tools page?

It’s not enough to link to your tools page. You should be able to know if your readers are actually clicking the link to view your resource page or not.

Whether the link is on your top menu or sidebar, the more exposure you give it, the more clicks you stand a chance to get. But how do you measure the click activities on your tools page link?


Use a heatmap tool like Lucky Orange. (It allows you see everything visitors did before leaving your blog)

A heatmap tool will record mouse cursor movements and clicks on your blog. Once it’s installed, it will count clicks on links on pages, menus and sidebars. This will help you measure the performance of your button or call-to-action. This is what looks like:

You may also want to use affiliate tracking IDs on your tools page to track every sale it generates.

So that’s it…

If you want to make more money from your blog, just go ahead and follow these simple steps to create your resource page. This will surely generate more income from your blog.

Let me know what you think about this simple money making method. Please share your comments below.

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