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5 Proven Tips to Help You Make Money Blogging

make money blogging

Are you disgusted with your money making efforts? I have been there. A few years ago I made peanuts at Cash With A True Conscience. I saw little cash, fewer readers and spent day after day wondering if I were wasting my time or not.

Fast forward a few years. I am prospering through multiple channels because I worked on my inner world. This is the great secret missed by struggling bloggers; as within, so without, meaning that to make money blogging you need to commit to working on your mental tools.

NB: Here are 15 ways bloggers make money blogging

This money making through blogging bit is not for the faint of heart because:

… become a full-time, professional blogger. Stomaching the ups and downs of blogging might seem too overwhelming for bloggers but if you trust me, and are willing to follow a few basic tips you can glide through the down times, cherish the up times and build a solid, dependable income stream through your blogging efforts.

1: Work on Your Inner World

Meditate, visualize yourself reaching your blogging goals and affirm your success to do the inner clearing you need to do to make money blogging. The majority of bloggers fail to make more than a few dollars online because they fear posting frequently, or monetizing their blog, or doing whatever they need to do to prosper.

Going within forces you to root out your negative beliefs like:

Kick these negative thoughts out of your mind. MVA. Meditate. Visualize. Affirm.

2: Choose a Mentor

If you want to make money blogging seek mentors who make money blogging. Follow their blogs, take notes, study those notes and then, put the notes into action to copy their results. Mentors need not instruct you 1-on-1; you can learn from afar by studying their blog posts and putting their knowledge into action.

3: Create More Value

Sow. Reap. I post 3 to 5 times daily on my blog to share a serious amount of value with my audience. You make money by solving problems. If you can solve problems once daily, or 3 times daily, or 5 times daily, or more, money will flow to you in increasing amounts.

Your job is to create like a machine. Post once daily to rank higher in search engines, boost your page views and increase your blogging cash flow.

4: Make Friends to Expand Your Blogging Network

I see great success on twitter because I generate hundreds of retweets on certain posts. How? I became friends with a massive, supportive network by aggressively promoting these folks. A number of my friends returned the kind act, leveraging my presence by promoting my content to their networks.

Sharing your content to an ever increasing, targeted audience helps you with your online money making efforts.

NB: Here are 3 more ways to boost your income as blogger

5:  Read Like a Machine

I read many blogs daily. Sometimes I lose count. This helps me make friends, build my blogging network and acquire the latest and greatest information to help me prosper online.

Read like a machine to boost your cash flow. Learn from the best and improve your writing skills by soaking up quality blog posts on a daily basis.

What tips can you add to this list?

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