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Jan Verhoeff Shares How to Influence Your Niche

jan verhoeff

Did you ever wonder how to be the influencer in your niche? Often being an expert in whatever you do can be a stretch, when you start, but it doesn’t take long to figure out the secret, when you have some basic understanding of what that means.

At first, the process of becoming an influencer, or an expert in your niche, is a challenge, because you don’t have the presence to prove your claim.

However, with a little guidance from Jan Verhoeff, you’ll have that proof in a matter of weeks. She’ll walk you through the process in person, or you can purchase her book and learn as you read.

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Meet Jan Verhoeff of


Jan Verhoeff started working online as an assistant, helping small business owners to grow their presence online with content and their own websites. By the time blog posting became a “thing” she’d already figured out that Content was indeed KING, and if you mastered the content development process, the rest was “in the bag.”

With the stylized training of the original “Content Team” Jan Verhoeff learned the quickest and easiest way to generating a business online was literally to follow the tried and true examples of experts. She adapted their programs to small business development processes, and began to teach her clients to do the same thing.

Jan Verhoeff began her adventures online in 1997, at the beginning of the .com generation, and watched as the process blew up in the .com crisis. But the one thing that didn’t blow up, was content.

Although algorithms changed, the process of being found online, and ultimately the development of .com success became easier, faster, and better than ever, the whole content is King origination improved. As it became simpler to blow up the internet with your presence, Jan realized that anyone could become an influencer in their own niche, if they truly wanted to do so. And the best thing about being an influencer is that you don’t have to have thousands of followers to make an impact, when you’re the expert!

Jan blogs on

On her blog, Jan Verhoeff reveals many years of solutions for small business development, marketing both online and offline, and all of the professional blogging tricks and tips she’s learned through the years. Her expertise and experience shines when you read through the content she shares on her website, and find your own solutions in the archives.

Jan Verhoeff shares more than just tips and suggestions, she gives details through her blog. Her transparency, whether it comes from the pain of growing a business, or the rebirthing process of growing it again after bloggers hacked in and drained banks of content, will show you the heart and soul of an entrepreneur.

As a consultant and coach, she’s created packages her clients can buy to help them achieve their dreams of owning a successful business online, and she still offers powerful, one-on-one business coaching for business developers and new entrepreneurs.

Jan Verhoeff still offers business development websites created to help you grow your presence online, and build your areas of expertise. Her websites load fast, include optimal content management systems, and feature ready to access marketing templates. She’s got a team of techs who keep up the backside of the websites, and a network of virtual assistants who offer a selection of great services to help you put your business and your area of expertise on the map!

For more about what Jan Verhoeff offers, visit her website at and get started with her FREE first steps package. You’ll be glad you did.

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Become an Influencer in Your Niche

This book is about learning to share your message, developing the confidence and courage to share the messages God gives you and allow others to know the intensity of the message. Your credibility may be on the line, if you are unwilling to share your message. How much do you have to give to others? The message, the value, it’s all a gift you’re giving away.

Don’t sell your message short, or short change the world by not sharing the message you’re given

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Be sure to join her on social media, and grab a copy of Become an Influencer in Your Niche for your personal library. Stop by Jan’s page and grab a coffee, she’s looking forward to meeting you!

Jan Verhoeff on social media

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