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Ikechi Awazie ~ Be Inspired and Make a Difference in 2016

The new year is here and it’s growing old already. But before it gets too late, we are flying to Nigeria to meet the first featured blogger of 2016, an awesome guy, loyal reader and friend.

For the past two years, I’ve been taking you to different areas of the globe, meeting and connecting very exciting people. I keep saying that success in blogging is about building an active community of people who believe and trust you.

If you stick to my Thursday posts, you will surely meet and connect with such people. Check out the complete list here

Meet Ikechi Awazie

Born in Nigeria, Ikechi Awazie works in a Tech company as a Content Developer. He has a passion for Technology, loves to play the keyboard plus he is an Audio Technician.

He is a Library and Information technology graduate whose passion to make a difference led him to start a blog.

Now there was a time when following the crowd looked like the best choice in life. It was the era when parents had a road-map for their kids and being different was considered a taboo.

These were strange times where people made fun of you because you wanted to be different However, Ikechi decided that he did not want to live his life fulfilling the standards of the status quo.

Despite being criticized by friends, family and loved ones, he pursued his passion and he is never regretted this decision.

Being A Blogger:  How it all started

Ikechi’s journey as a blogger started two years ago. He had come across blogging but had started writing articles for platforms like hubpages, ezineartilces and others. They were fun but something was missing.

Ikechi was not satisfied as he wanted to build a community of like minds that could make a huge impact. This is what he discovered in blogging and knew he could make a difference one post at a time.

Blogging comes with a lot of challenges and ikechi had to face so many of them like choosing the wrong hosts, not commenting on other blogs and not creating connections with other bloggers.

He struggled with engagement in his blog and it seemed to be a ghost town till he joined the AHA Community where he met awesome people who were willing to help and give positive feedback. It was in this community that he discovered his mistakes and learned so much from others.

Here’s what you’ll find when you visit his blog.

Be the Light to the World is a creative personal development blog which conveys the following:

  1. Be an Inspiration: You will be Inspired to transform your gifts into action that will inspire your World
  2. Inspiring stories that will challenge you.
  3. Playing small does not help you nor the world.
  4. You Shape the World: Reflect on your talents, gifts and what you love to do.

Plus much more.

Besides blogging, Ikechi is recently doing web development as a part-time freelancer.

He is also working on an ebook that would be out by next year which will stop people from turning their dreams to a Joke.

Here are some inspiration recipes which will inspire you as the year comes to a close:

Everyone Can be an Inspiration

Ikechi believes that anyone can be an inspiration. We all can make a difference. The problem is that most people believe that making a difference means you need to be the main actor.

If you are playing small and feel that you are insignificant, then subscribe and get a free guide from Ikechi. He promises to light your world.

Connect with Ikechi on Facebook here. Drop a comment below to interact with him.

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