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5 Fundamental eCommerce SEO Strategies to Boost Store Traffic in 2020

While SEO is straightforward if you’re a blogger, when it comes to eCommerce and optimizing your online shop for search, you need to remember that you have category and product pages to take into account.

Generating organic traffic and increasing sales should be top of your agenda, so to boost your online store’s ranking, here are five eCommerce strategies that you shouldn’t ignore in 2020.

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#1. Website Structure is Crucial

Having a well-structured website can be the difference when ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs), as well as increasing the chance of a purchase. There are many chances to enhance your website structure, such as using clean URLs and breadcrumb navigation.

When consumers click on your eCommerce store, you will want them to find your products and services with ease, helping to increase the chances of repeat custom.

#2. Research eCommerce Keywords

Once you have structured your eCommerce store, it’s important that you research eCommerce keywords. Beginning with a strong keyword foundation can not only save you time but make or break your SEO efforts.

To help, tools like Google Keyword Planner enable you to seek out your base keyword information. It’s important to look out for keywords that have a large volume of searches per month. If you are competing with others, it’s advisable to stick to long-tail keywords.

#3. Optimize Product Pages

Copying and pasting a product description from a competitor won’t be beneficial for your brand. To run a successful eCommerce store, it’s crucial that you make your product descriptions stand out in a unique way.

There are several tips that can help, such as sticking with your branding, keeping your descriptions easy to scan and read, minimizing the use of jargon, as well as using bullet points throughout to highlight particular benefits and features of your products.

#4. Avoid Duplicate Content

Running a successful eCommerce store doesn’t come without its challenges. With so much content expected of you, it can be easy to duplicate without realizing it.

When you have hundreds or thousands of products, creating content that is unique can be difficult, and have a negative impact on your search rankings. To minimize your content having a negative effect, you can either add a 301 redirect or a canonical tag for pages so search engines can understand which pages of your eCommerce store may have similar or identical content. To boost your search engine ranking, you can use an SEO agency.

#5. Consider the Mobile Experience

With 1/3 of last year’s Black Friday sales being made on a mobile device, optimizing your eCommerce store for smartphones is a must.

As an eCommerce store owner, there are numerous things that you need to look out for, such as ensuring your mobile design is responsive, it has fast page speeds, as well as easy to use mobile navigation.

Recommended: How to Optimize Your Website for Mobile

With PLA’s (product listing ads) becoming increasingly expensive, using the right SEO techniques can help generate organic traffic to your category and product pages, meaning you won’t have to rely on paid channels.

All the tips listed above can help grow your sales and traffic heading throughout 2020.

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