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Free TARGETED Traffic Source (Drive targeted traffic instantly)

If you really need free targeted traffic to your blog posts, list building pages, eCommerce shop, or any website type, I think this post has something you should focus on.

I will show you a platform (you might have heard about) and discuss three things you will be doing 1 to 2 hours per day.

This will consistently and quickly build up a solid source of free targeted traffic for you. You are going to get traffic from millions of users on this platform and from others through search engines.

This post discussed a powerful Free TARGETED Traffic Source!

The problem I have with some of you reading this post is that you think you already know. That’s already a barrier to your success. But if you put yourself in a learning mode, follow the steps below and act on them, you will see results.

Now, you can use this same free targeted traffic source to drive targeted traffic to:

In this post, I will be focusing on using the platform to promote my product as an affiliate. The reason is that Affiliate Marketing For Bloggers converts very well and if you join the affiliate program and do some bit of promotion, you are surely going to generate some sales.

Free Targeted Traffic Source –

Now, before you start clicking away and telling me you already know, I want you to give me some few more minutes and read what I have written below.

Quora, one of the tools to increase website traffic, has grown from a simple Question and Answer platform to a real business weapon. Launched in 2009, this platform is reported to have over 100 million monthly visits.

Ranked number 81 worldwide by Alexa, more than 50% of Quora’s traffic comes from Search Engines with as leader.

Three ways to pull free targeted traffic on Quora

It’s important to note that Quora has many more ways it can be useful including asking questions, creating articles, etc. But here are three ways you should use it for targeted traffic.

A) Ask question as Anonymous

You can always ask questions and get answers almost in any topic. But if you want to draw attention to your content, ask a question about it and check the ‘anonymous’ option so no one knows who is behind the question.

For instance, if you are promoting Affiliate Marketing For Bloggers, you could ask a question about the book and drop your review link.

NB: For best results, write a review about the product you want to promote and drive traffic to it. Avoid dropping affiliate links on quora. This will attract serious sanctions.

Note that by checking the ‘Go Anonymous’ option, you only hide your identity from anyone that finds your content. Quora admin however will know who is behind anonymous questions and answers so you have to avoid being promotional and spammy.

Anonymous contents won’t show up in homepage feeds of your followers but they are still able to pull in a lot of traffic from local searches on Quora and searches on Google. In less than 1 hour of posting this question, it got almost 300 views:

Once you publish your question, quora allows you to ask 15 people to answer. With this feature, you can instantly reach 15 people after publishing;

Shortly after I posted the question, an answer came from Willie Prevolt, someone you may want to check and follow. Quora has an interesting inbuilt viral traffic generator. What happens is that your question shows up on the home page of everyone that answers it.

You see in the answer above, Willie mentioned the price. This is an element I didn’t mention in the question. That shows Willie followed the link and read the sales page and according to him, “… $27 is a nice investment to get started with …”

-> Note about asking anonymously!

Asking questions or providing answers in anonymity is not something you should do strongly on Quora. This reduces your chances of building a solid presence and may expose you to sanctions if misused.

I understand that sometimes your question is so sensitive that you don’t dare post as yourself for fear a family member/friend/coworker/significant other/religious leader etc. might see it, but this should be used sparingly and only for topics of extreme personal importance and delicacy. Don’t do it just to spam the boards.

B) Answer Questions

The best way to pull free targeted traffic legitimately from Quora is provide valuable answers to questions.

Like I mentioned above, people ask questions just in any topic so you can help them by providing the answers they need.

Links in answers are allowed on Quora provided they are not affiliates. They should be highly relevant and resourceful too.

Head over to quora and run a search…

Pick a question that’s targeted, provide an interesting answer!

Three minutes after answering the question, it got 29 views (Blue arrows above) and you notice how I provided links to my posts in a blended and helpful manner (Red arrows above)

Some questions already have tens of answers and sometimes you may fear that your answer will be pushed down the queue. On Quora, it’s not really the role of first come, first served. If your answer has more length and value, Quora will measure and put it above others. So it’s important to always take your time to answer questions.

C) Collaborate with Friends

If you have friends who are on Quora, they can help you get more exposure. Simply, arrange with them to post meaningful questions that will allow you answer them with content and promote your product.

For instance, you may arrange with a friend to ask something like “What are the best Affiliate Marketing Ebooks for bloggers?

That will allow you to write meaningful answer and link to your review of Affiliate Marketing For bloggers.

Quora drives your traffic from Search Engines

I mentioned above that Quora gets a lot of traffic from search engines. If you are attentive enough, you’ll begin to notice that more and more Quora urls are appearing on Google page one.

The simple fact is, those who get the benefit from this natural exposure are those who create the content. Traffic is directed to questions and if you do well, you should get a lot of this.

Tips to get more Targeted website traffic from Quora

Let me throw in some more tips to help you get more Website traffic from this platform.

Use keywords in your questions and answers. This will help your contributions indexed and shown in search engine results.

We know  conversion rates for natural traffic are high. So obviously, using keywords in your text definitely boost your targeted website traffic and make your online businesses more profitable.

So do not neglect Keyword research when trying to use Quora to increase web traffic. Focus on long tail keywords to maximize your search engine rankings.

While Quora helps in referral traffic, it’s a huge boost to your organic traffic


Let me hear what you think about Quora. Please drop a comment below

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