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I fired my BOSS to blog full time!

why I fired my boss

I fired him! Yeah!

Well, that guy was not really my boss. However, he took a greater portion of my offline time. We all called him BOSS.

He didn’t fully employ me though! I simply had a software maintenance contract with his company. It turned out to be more work than foresaw. A few things transpired and I decided to send a termination note.

Why did I fire him?

So what next ?

Watch out!

We all love this ‘freedom’ thing and the money we can make. The laptop (or dot com) lifestyle can be very interesting especially if you cracked the code.

You can move at will, buy the car you want, have fun  here and there…

One thing you don’t need to forget is old age!

Old age!

Yes! It will one day happen!

You are going to get old. You won’t be able to sit behind the computer to do those things you do now. No pension. No retirement benefits, etc

So what do you do?

Over to you…

Are you your own boss?

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