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This is Not The End and You can Accomplish Great Things!

It hurts. You’ve been working so hard. You’re tired. Will it even pay off? Is it even worth it?

I know it’s tough. I know you want to quit sometimes. But this is not the end. Don’t give up hope. All your hard work is going to pay off.

It just takes time.

Show up every day, and one day you’ll realize — you’ve reached your goal.

Meet Eli Seekins!

Eli was born to young parents. He was in his dad’s high school senior football photos. His parents loved him dearly, but starting a family so young is difficult and faced with many challenges. His parents divorced when he was young.  

His last year of high school devastated him. He was kicked out of his home, left by his girlfriend, diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease, and deemed medically unqualified to receive a full-ride scholarship that he was previously awarded.

It wrecked him. He felt ruined and lost. It was a hard road, but he picked himself up and kept going.

He Was Different From the Start

Eli has always loved adventure and risk taking. Even when he was a child he liked to go exploring on his own. He loved the thrill of discovering new things.    

He didn’t like systems, or following the status quo.

He was an entrepreneur at a young age. He started in elementary school with things like lemonade stands and selling balloon animals.

After high school he tried sales and marketing, but didn’t do very well.

Once he realized that he wasn’t very good at selling other people’s products, he tried making some products and services of his own. He started and failed several small business and blogs.

He Dreams Big

Eli is always trying something new and shooting for the stars. Because of this, he’s made lots of mistakes. But he’s learned a lot as well.

Throughout all his different crazy ideas and adventures, one thing has stayed the same, Eli loves to tell stories, whether it’s through writing, speaking, or making movies.

To read more about Eli’s story, how he overcame impossible odds and followed his dream, click here.

What He Believes

You are the master of your ship, you are the author of your fate. What you decide now, determines what will happen later. You have the power to create a future that you’ll love.

Happiness and success don’t depend on your circumstances, they depend on your attitude and the actions that you take.   

Everyone has a dream, even you. You should spend more time doing what you love to do. Isn’t that the point?

Comfort will hold you back. Sometime you have to take risks in order to achieve success. Leave your comfort zone. Step out. Experiment. See what happens.

There’s never a better time than now. So you might as well start now.

The things that hold you back aren’t worth holding onto. Let go of the things that hold you down. It’s worth the sacrifice.

What He’s Doing

Eli’s goal is to help you start your blog or business with a boom. He wants to help you get noticed quick, become an authority in your niche, and make the money you deserve.

He loves working with young entrepreneurs, small business owners, artists, and bloggers.   

Are you starting a blog? Or do you have one already? How would you like to build your blog like a pro without all the headache? Get his FREE Perfect Blogging Toolkit, click here.  

Every problem is an opportunity. Look for the good in every bad situation.

It’s ok to make mistakes. That’s how you learn.

Don’t wait for all your problems to go away before you follow your dream.

Don’t ever think it’s too late for you. There’s always hope. Anything is possible.

You were born for a purpose and are meant to do amazing things.

Engage with Eli

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