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How To Get Started With E-commerce Email Marketing

How to Get Started With E-Comemrce Email Marketing

Having an online business can sometimes be hard to maintain. Reaching out to your customers without the proper email marketing strategy is almost impossible. Email marketing is currently the most reliable and profitable way to reach your target customer on the web.

This way of marketing is a form of direct marketing where you communicate with potential users and customers through email, and there are lots of tools that you can use to achieve that.

But beyond just marketing for your store to truly be successful, you’ll have to ensure its quality. One of the first things customers notice is how fast a website loads. For great loading speeds that are crucial to your future success, you’ll need a good hosting provider, and the one we’d recommend is WPMU DEV.

One thing that sets WPMU DEV’s hosting platform apart is that as well as having all the hosting features you’d expect – it also comes built-in with 7 pro-WP plugins – covering performance, security, backups, and more. Get 20% off any of their plans here.

Now, after you’ve optimized your store, and it’s good to go, it’s time to get to those email marketing tips.

Create an email list

To start off your email marketing campaign, you need to have a list of people on your email list. In order to make that possible, you should use some of the tactics that will help you collect email addresses in no time.


One of the tactics is collecting emails via pop-ups. There are several online tools (like OmniKick) that will make the collection of email addresses via highly converting pop-ups as easy as possible. One of the best ways of using pop-ups is by adding discounts or coupons to your site. This way, you can ask your customers to leave their emails in return for something.

The best time to show pop-ups on your website is after 45 – 60 seconds, and always ensure that your pop-ups are related to the content.

Content Upgrades

Another tactic is collecting emails by offering content upgrades. This type of reaching out via email is one of the best ways to amass subscribers. The chances of getting a reply are higher if you have 2000 subscribers and half of them open your email.

Furthermore, if you’re running an active blog or an e-commerce website, some posts will have more engagements than others, and offering content upgrades on more successful posts will help you collect emails. You can also offer some online courses to your customers, and all that while using email marketing services such as ConvrtKit or MailChimp.

Besides that, an interview with a popular author, speaker, influencer, or blogger could really help skyrocket your business and improve your email marketing campaign.


Collecting emails through ads is the most common of doing so. However, there are two things you should pay attention to when it comes to ads: running ads on your products and creating ads that will collect emails of potential buyers. Ads that are selling your products or services are always a good idea because you’ll start generating sales almost immediately while collecting the emails.

The only drawback of this approach is that you’re unable to sell expensive products or items. This is effective only for selling low-cost products. On average, each subscriber costs $0.26, and creating ads at the right time, as well as targeting the right customers, will definitely bring you high-quality customers and users.

Step up your marketing campaign

When you have your list of emails done, it’s time to start developing a good relationship with them. Creating and sending “Welcome emails” is one of the ways you can achieve that. This type of email thanks your customers for becoming subscribers while telling them what they should expect from you in the future.

If you want to build a good connection with your subscribers, craft a friendly email, and don’t forget to introduce your product or service to them.

Segment and personalize

Sometimes you can have more than one target group of customers you’re trying to reach. If that’s the case, you’re not going to be able to reach them all with a single email. That’s where you need to make personalized content and emails. In the end, this approach will improve your open rates, clicks, and engagement.

Sending emails with personalized content is a great way to reach your customers and to keep them happy. There are lots of different ways you can segment your customers (age, demographic, education, income, etc.), and if you’re not doing any of these, you need to start now. Segmenting your email campaigns will generate a much higher profit compared to regular email campaigns.

The best way to go about this is to collect this kind of data on your customers in your CRM. Then, email marketing automation tools let you quickly create highly targeted email campaigns for any one segment of your customers.


To get the best results from your email marketing campaign, you need to stay on track with everything you do. Listed above are some of the most common approaches that will get the most out of your customer relationships. Be sure to apply one of them to improve your sales and overall business.

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