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The Characteristics Of A Healthy Link Profile

Digital marketing has taken on a lot of new roles as it is evolving past traditional advertising techniques. The use of the internet, social media, website building, etc. are all helping push marketing in new directions which are helping connect businesses with wider, more diverse audiences, and vice versa.

One of these new digital marketing techniques is link profiles, which is a part of SEO (search engine optimization). Link profiles are the ways that businesses can help use written content and SEO content to help boost their sites and products.

There are specific characteristics of these link profiles that make them healthy that you can read about here.

1 – Linking Site Relevancy

Healthy link profiles for sites have to include relevant linked sites. What this means is that in the most literal sense the relevancy has to be similar to what kind of content or topic a site/page is discussing. Being able to discuss similar content helps boost the effectiveness of the site’s content and is a major part of a healthy link profile. This also means that the content written around the keyword or link usage should help it flow naturally and support it.

2 – Backlinking

Backlinking is the essence of what linking means. When it comes to a healthy link profile you need to be able to backlink to good content and good content can come from numerous sources. You can backlink through your site’s content or you can buy website backlinks, these are ways to ensure that the links feature only quality material. Backlinking is something that must be a part of a healthy link profile.

3 – Authority Links

Similar to the use of backlinking outside sites and content, you want it to be quality, but what does that quality look like? Authority links are a good thing to look for and they are sites or blogs that are popular and are often found on the first few pages of search engines.

Authority links can be older as well or deeper into a search engine, but they are front reputable sources nonetheless.

4 – Link Diversity

The diversity of the content of the links helps improve the health of the profile. This means research for certain topics if it calls for it (medical studies, facts), reputable sources for general authority as discussed prior, competitor links, and multiple pages or content.

The more diverse the links are the better it helps the link profile for search engine purposes and helps keep it working well when updates occur for search engine optimization. It also allows for more linking on a page which improves the chances of traffic to and from a site/page.

As we now know, the difference in marketing is stark compared to the traditional forms that we see everyday. This is a good thing as it is creating a more unique experience for businesses, sites, blogs, and consumers.

When it comes to this new era of marketing, links are king, and the need for healthy link profiles for content on sites is at a premium. These are some of the common characteristics of these healthy link profiles.

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