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Top 9 SEO Tips That Can Boost Your Website Traffic Rate

Top SEO Tips That Can Boost Your Website Traffic

What do you think is the best way to introduce your service or product to the users? How do you think they will become aware of your existence? If your answer is by searching, well, you are right. According to a Search Engine Land study, a large portion of website traffic (51% of this traffic) comes from search engines.

It doesn’t need complex analysis to see the potential and opportunity laying in organic traffic. It can completely scale your e-commerce business. So, what we will do in this article is to provide you with some of the best tips and techniques you can use to take advantage of this opportunity. Stay with us until the end for some amazing insights.

Top 9 SEO Tips For Boosting Your Website Traffic

Let us start our journey through these amazing strategies and tips to change your business for the better.

Content Marketing

SEO stands for search engine optimization. Therefore, it is crucial to optimize every factor that will affect it. The most important factor is to provide your users with what they need, not what you think is best for them. You need to know and evaluate your niche perfectly.

Then, give your information to your users. This way, they will know that you care about their questions and problems. In case you need some help with this matter, our “tips for content writers” can help you a lot.

Try to Understand Your Customers

Your customers are the backbone of your business. Never have doubt about this fact. The moment you forget this, it is the start of your business’s downfall. Therefore, you should try to learn more about your customers. Watch their behavior, make persona maps, reach out to them for specific offers, and so on. Yes, you need help in this process.

There is software out there that can help you to understand your customers. WatchThemLive is on the top tier list in this case. WatchThemLive will help you to track all the customers’ actions when they are on your website. It will do it by using the latest technologies such as session replay software and heat maps.

If you’re looking for a way to understand how users interact with your website, and you need a decent alternative to Google analytics heat map, WTL is what you need.

Website visitor tracking is the way to go if you want to create a bond with your customers.

Utilize Social Media

We are living in the fast internet era. Everything is online. According to a Statista report, online shopping has grown from 7.1% to 21% in the past ten years. Believe it or not, more old methods are stepping out each day.

Social media is a part of this new world, and you need to find your place in this vast ocean. Make sure your company is using tools to make this process easier. Imagine you want to start using Instagram for your business. Instagram growth tools can be super beneficial and time-saving.

These apps will provide you with tools that help you find the answers to questions such as “how to repost on Instagram” or “What’s the best Instagram giveaway picker tool.” This may seem easy, but believe us, these are time-saving as hell.

Never Underestimate Email Marketing

It is true that you should concentrate on your website content and make it better every day. But, some of the older methods, such as email marketing, still can benefit you a lot. Ecommerce email marketing is a consistent way to be in touch with your customers and find more leads as well.

Make a list of your potential customers. Reach out to them with email automation tools and see the changes for yourself.

Brand Ambassadors

The very important change that social media has made in marketing is increasing the power of ambassadors. You can easily reach out to influencers on social media and use their voices to introduce yourself. This strategy has been used throughout the history of marketing but in different shapes.

The first thing you need to do is to find the right brand ambassador in your niche. Reach out to them. Make an arrangement. Make sure to provide them with quality content. They know how to do the rest. Trust in them.

But how to find your ideal brand ambassadors? Here’s where Ainfluencer comes into play.

Optimize Your Images for SEO

There are many factors that must be considered, but here, we will focus on your images. Actually, it is a tricky matter. You must be careful about the number of images you use in your articles and website. Too many images will slow your website. Therefore, you will lose your users.

On the other hand, images can be attractive and bring more traffic to your website. By reading these “tips for optimizing images,” you will better understand how to manage a balance.

Get Backlinks

Backlinks are links to your website from another high authority website. You can make relationships with higher authority sites to convince them to link back to you. This way, you can get the attention of their users and bring more traffic to your website. Picking the right backlinks is crucial because it is a great opportunity that must not be thrown away.

Consider Using Online Directories

Online directories are websites that you can register on to share your content or get reviews. You can link to your content as well, which will bring you even more traffic. Some of these directories are free, and some are not. Make sure to use the ones that fit your budget.

Use The Right Type of Advertising

Advertising is an effective way to make sure your audience notices you. Many types of advertising can be used. Here are some of the most popular ones:

Final Words

Bringing traffic to your website is a crucial task that demands a complete team working on it. As we discussed here, many factors must be considered, and overlooking any of them might cost you lots of effort. Make sure to use the tips we provided you, and don’t leave anything behind.

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