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2 HOT blog post ideas that will HUGELY attract backlinks and traffic!

There are 2 problems I’m about to address in today’s post and I’m quite confident you can find these solutions readily available.

The first problem is that of blog post ideas. By the time you end this post, you are going to be armed with an excellent post idea that will highly contribute in solving the next problem.

The second problem is social shares and traffic. Traffic is the lifeline of any online business. No matter how beautiful your offer is, without traffic, it’s as good as dead.

I will be laying at your door steps two awesome  ideas that will surely generate social shares from bloggers all over the globe. Perfectly done, you will be getting editorial backlinks from awesome blogs and consequently referral traffic from social media, other blogs and search engine traffic.

2 HOT blog post ideas that will HUGELY attract backlinks and traffic

The beauty about the whole thing is after reading this post, you can instantly go to work and start seeing results. It’s free to execute and requires not many hours.

You can do this weekly and keep growing your traffic, backlinks, etc and network with so many bloggers in your niche. What I’m about to share is not from imagination. It’s from my practical experience and you can see it right on this blog.

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Here is the first blog post idea that generates traffic, social shares and backlinks

1 – Featured bloggers!

This is not the traditional interview blog post idea that we know. While traditional interviews have their place, they are gradually fading out. One of the reasons behind this is the fact that some bloggers lack inspiration. They questions they put forward are copy-paste, making the whole exercise a bore.

I have been running the feature blogger slot on my blog since last year and the results are just so awesome. Not only does this help me create new relationships and fortify current ones, I also get backlinks from most of the bloggers I feature here on my blog.  Yes, they get so excited and go on to link to their featured article from their blogs.

Besides, they share the hell out of it. The result is traffic and traffic and traffic.

Here is what happens:

Get to relatively popular bloggers and ask them to provide some basic information about themselves. You have to precise they write in the third person.

3 out of 4 will possibly respond. Get the materials and mix up with some more information. The idea is to sell the blogger as much as possible on your blog. Keep nothing back! Share their products, blog posts, guest articles, social media profiles.

The result of this is always traffic for them:

When I started featuring bloggers on my former blog, I kicked off with my friend Ivin. The outcome was a traffic revival. Check out this article he wrote about the traffic spike.

2 – Round up post!

Here is another way to give out to fellow bloggers while indirectly getting them on their promotion wheels to spread the word about you.

Here is the point:

As you blog-hop, you come across impressive posts. Put them down and at any given time, tell your readers about them. Some bloggers do this on Fridays while some on Mondays. It’s all in your hands. Do it weekly or monthly. All I know is this is a beautiful and actionable blog post idea.

My friend Erik Emanulli decoded this:

Erik listed 8 must-read blogs and this no doubt attracted the attention of powerful 8 bloggers who did not even need Erik’s consent to promote his post.

Adrienne Smith knew this trick before me. She’s been doing this and getting results:

She’s been doing this on her blog and I believe this has been a wonderful success. Of course, the fact she keeps coming up with this post structure tells us something good drops  out of it.

In a recent round up, she mentioned me on this powerful list of 16 recommended bloggers.

That’s not all:

In a recent post that is growing very popular, Chintan featured me on this list of 35 blog leaders along side many tough bloggers:

The examples are many and each time I get mentioned in a round up post, I get excited and want to share the post. Not only that, I talk about the mention on my blog (just like I’m doing now)

Tell blog owners about it!

Once you do a round up post, shoot a mail to blog owners and let them know you gave them a shout out on your blog.

Now, taking the pains to send them a mail is important:

That’s it for today!

Let me know what you think. Drop a comment in the comment box and please, share this post on social media

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