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3 Unpleasant Blogging Truths You May Not Want to Hear

Someone once bought a penthouse for over $50 million USD down the block from here, where we are living in NYC for a few weeks.

OK; it was a long time ago. But it was still $50,000,000. Or something in that neighborhood.

My wife Kelli and I are house sitting for a cute little dog and cat on the Upper West Side of New York City, right by Central Park West. This is some of the most expensive real estate on earth.

Life is good. Life is sweet.

But it wasn’t always this way for me.

I had to face, embrace and release 3 tough blogging truths I did not want to hear many years ago to create this fun, freeing lifestyle.

If your blog seems stuck, listen up. Even if you run a successful blog get familiar with these ideas again to raise your blog a few more levels.

1: This Journey Gets Scary Sometimes

At 3 PM on a Monday afternoon I feel a little nervous. I have only published 2 guest posts today. Will I write and submit this guestie before the day ends? I have no idea. I am wracked with anxiety. Paralyzed be fear. I am…..joking 🙂

Seriously; I dive into fears daily. Sometimes, deep fears. For me, sometimes I fear writing all these guest posts and commenting on all these blogs pulls me away from promoting my eBooks effectively, 1 by 1. But then I realize if I am in 1 billion places at once online I will draw in a bunch of folks who visit my blog, my videos, my podcasts, my courses and my eBooks.

All blogging growth happens outside of your comfort zone.

A peculiar mix of fear, excitement, fun, fulfillment, anxiety and terror meets you outside of your comfort zone.

Get used to it guys. If you want to become a successful blogger you will need to dive into these unpleasant feelings to grow, to change, and to evolve into the blogger you want to be.

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2: You Gotta Pay Up to Play Up

I was a dingbat. Many years ago. I still may be a dingbat in some areas but finally realized 3 years ago that you need to pay up to play up.

Many bloggers love their $3 a month, cheap, bargain basement hosting. But many of the same bloggers despise seeing their blogs crash, load slowly or go offline for hours because of that same, cheap, low quality hosting.

3 years back I left a cheap web hosting scenario.

Bye-bye Blogging Bird Brain.

Hello Blogging Big Dawg.

I paid $10 then $15 then sometimes $20 a month (depending on exchange rates) for premium hosting with my current host. Good deal. My blog is almost always up. As it should be. Quick load times too.

It may feel super sucky to dig into your pockets, to pay more money for web hosting, but you need to *not* give into the fear of spending money if you want to succeed online.

Get a part time job. Use your credit card. Ask a friend or family member for a personal loan. The road to blogging success is paved with fun, freeing and sometimes highly uncomfortable actions.

Other examples of paying up to play up: buy a premium theme or hire a web designer to create a bespoke theme for you, buy a CDN, hire a virtual assistant to handle cyber grunt work.

3: You Cannot Always Give Conditionally (Cut the Strings to Make Things Sing)

I didn’t want to hear it. For years. But blogging was not a 1 for 1 deal. Meaning I would not get paid for every blog post. Nor would I get paid for every hour I spent blogging. Unpleasant feeling. I tell ya.

I still mired myself in the employee, salary-earning mindset during tough blogging times.

But by accepting this idea I accelerated my success. I tasted sweet blogging profits. All because I began to do things from a more unconditional, relaxed, detached space, which helped me create prolifically and make friends in high blogging places.

Meaning if I retweeted someone I did not demand or expect a retweet in return. If I helped someone out in any way I did not expect anything in return, save the obvious example of helping clients or customers.

Learn to give unconditionally. Be generous. Give freely, receive easily.

Your Turn

How did you embrace these sometimes unpleasant blogging truths?


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