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September $150 Blog Commenting Contest! Get paid to comment!

Hi everyone! It’s another time to get paid doing what you already do daily. In this month of September 2014, $150 has been set aside by my friend Jackson  just for you.

Jackson makes money with his blog so he wants to share part of his earnings with his readers. I love what he is doing. That’s a great thought Jackson and I’m sure your readers are excited about it.

Blogging has really changed recently and I’m impressed. Many bloggers are coming up with different ways to reward their readers while maintaining the quality of engagement they get.

In those early days of blogging, it was not a possibility to make money by reading blog posts and dropping comments on them. While this is possible now, it’s not something that will make you rich though! However, it can help pay your web hosting bills.

$150 at stake!

We have $150 this time  on the table and you can actually walk away with a share of it. All you have to do is go to Jackson’s blog and begin dropping comments. It’s as easy as that.

The more comments you drop, the more you are closer to getting paid. I love the way Jackson is doing it. Everyone that makes a comment can be paid. Yes, the commentator with the highest number of comments gets the first prize and the one that follows gets the second prize.

To make it more interesting so that everyone stand a chance, Jackson will randomly pick the third winner. That’s it! Whether you make 1 or 60 comments, you have the chance to be picked.

How are winners picked?

You remember I did a free WordPress plugin that generates the number of comment authors on your blog per month. So I’m excited Jackson will be using this plugin to generate a list of everyone that comments on his blog this month.

  1. The first commentator on the list goes away with the first prize
  2. The second comment author on the list goes with the second price
  3. But the third will be a random selection.

So if you don’t have the availability to drop the highest number of comments, you can still be paid.  All you have to do is just drop at least one comment and you could be randomly picked as the happy third winner.

What about the random 3rd winner?

MyCommentAuthors will generate a list of all commentators. The commentator with the highest number of approved comments will be number 1 and the one with the  least will be at the bottom on the list. I know that many commentators will be sharing the same number of comments but that’s not to be worried about because they will be numbered differently. Anyone that’s randomly picked wins the third price.

If 2 or more comment authors have the same number of comments on the first position, there will be a random selection. Let’s say the first and second on the least have 30 comments each, Jackson will run a random selection between numbers 1 and 2

If the same pair happens with the second prize, the same method will be applied to pick the second winner.

In any case, this tool will be used to randomly pick the winner.

How to participate

It’s very simple. Go to Jackson’s blog and comment on any post on his blog. You don’t have to hang on one post. Just read his blog and drop “approvable” comments. If you want to read more about the contest on his blog, click here.

Take action now and stand the chance to make some extra money this month.

Let me know your thoughts in the comment box below

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