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Is Wealthy Affiliate Worth it? Success Stories and Earning Proofs!

Is Wealthy Affiliate worth your investment?

$49/month ?

What do you get for your monthly payments? 

What do they offer?

What is the worth of what they offer?

I want to put some elements together to help you make an informed decision. Weather you are signing up or completely moving away from it, you shouldn’t do it out of ignorance.

By the end of this post, you should know with a huge dose of certainty what you gain by giving it a try  or what you lose by walking away.

But first, let’s have a look at some earning testimonials from members:

These are some earning proofs shared by members on the platform. Some proofs date as far back as 2015. Some are recent and this, in my opinion testifies to the fact that the platform is sustainable. 

Let’s move on and provide more elements to find out if it’s worth giving it a try.

Is Wealthy Affiliate Worth it? What does it Offer?

1) Affiliate Marketing and online business training

One of the focuses of Wealthy Affiliate is training. As a matter of fact, they focus more on training their members to becoming successful affiliate marketers.

Their training modules are structured to:

The educational system is split into different sections:

2 – The community

From my personal experience, this is one of the most addicting features of the Wealthy Affiliate. This somehow adds to the training feature as members are helpful at all points. There is always someone available online and live to help anyone. 

3 – The WordPress Hosting

Wealthy Affiliate offers dedicated high speed WordPress hosting to its members. As a premium member, you won’t have to go pay for hosting elsewhere. Your 50 websites are all hosted within a secured platform with no match in the industry.

4 – The websites

The website creation/installation wizard takes few minutes to have your WordPress website running. With over 3000 professional templates, you have a wide variety of themes to chose from.

5 – The domain name protection

You don’t get free domain name on Wealthy Affiliates. But what they offer completely free is your domain name WHOIS privacy and protection. These are additional services charged by  other registrars.

6 – Jaaxy SEO tool LITE

SEO is a huge online success factor. There are 2 things you need as a beginner: 1) SEO Training, 2) SEO tools. Beside the in-depth SEO training provided by Wealthy Affiliate, they grant free access to the LITE version of their powerful SEO Tool to the premium members.

Is wealthy affiliate worth it?

I have just briefly listed some of the things members get on the platform. Some more details are available on the website. I recommend you take a closer look.

Wealthy Affiliate Success Stories

Wealthy Affiliate has over 1.2 million members. These peeps can’t be wrong sticking to a platform. 

I have personally spoken with some of them, newbie members and experienced users to share with us what their experiences with Wealthy Affiliate are. Let’s tap into their thoughts:

Scott Hinkle

Wealthy Affiliate (WA) is not a get rich quick scheme. If you’re looking to make that quick buck now, move on, this isn’t the place for you. if you’re willing to learn, apply yourself and actually work toward your success, look no further, you’ve found your home.

I jumped onboard back in March of this year, plowed through the first training in 3 days and immediately went to the premium membership because I understood the value (and frankly they’re undercharging) of the training, hosting and community that WA provides.

I had my site up with multiple posts within a week. I added advertising and joined affiliate programs shortly thereafter. I actually made money in my first month! Sure it was only a few dollars but that was enough to show me that, even when I didn’t fully apply myself and it was a partial month, the program works.

The training is top-notch but I have to say the community here is probably the best feature of WA. The live chat alone is worth becoming a member. It’s almost like it’s own social media site with tons of tips and people happy to help you out if you have a question or get stuck.

Grace (aka “littlemama” on Wealthy Affiliate)

Wealthy Affiliate has been the only way that has helped me earn a 4 digit online income consistently month after month! It’s allowed me to work from home and be flexible for my girls as a stay at home mom.  

I’ve tried many things before and this is the only online business that satisfies all my needs: not locked to physical location, freedom to work when I want, and most importantly, the income I earn is passive.

There’s nothing like Wealthy Affiliate’s training & extensive tools/resources available on their platform.  It’s a detailed step-by-step path you can follow to build your own online business even if you have zero knowledge.

The community in there is second to none and one of the best features of the platform because you could literally be talking to 6 – 7 figure earners on there and you ask them your burning questions.

I’m not sure where I would be if it wasn’t for Wealthy Affiliate!  My little family is finally getting a two income earner back and I can’t wait to continue my journey with WA!

David Bishop

Hi, In my 20 plus years working on the Internet, I have been involved with a number of online business that offers success online but was not able to deliver.

Some of these companies had died while others went on to close their doors and open under a different name taking all the money members have invested without notification to their members.

I have just had it when I came to the conclusion that all online businesses are scams.I went on to search for a legitimate company online for years in order to walk away from my full-time job but was unable to find one up until now.

I founded Wealthy Affiliate back in 2013, and I saw something that I have never seen before. They went on to teach me about Internet Marketing for free, and how to identify those online scam businesses.

My experience there is nothing but excellent, I have never been with a community of people who are so eager to help you succeed. The training is current and the support has surpassed all that I ever come across.

The owners of the companies are so involved in the community, that it really wants you to press forward to reach your ultimate goals.I am now making money with this company and building a business that would be around years to come.

The only regret that I have, is not laying my eyes on this company years before. I just want to say thank you, Wealthy Affiliate for offering me and my family the opportunity to make a lifestyle better for us.

Is Wealthy Affiliate Worth it?

Well, these are testimonials from some successful Wealthy Affiliate users. They are real people you can connect with on the platform.

Being an authentic business, their identities and addresses can be traced in the community to verify the truth behind their confessions.

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Let’s get more success stories


I can remember it like it was yesterday. I was struggling to make money online back in 2015.

I was up late one night and had it. I decided I was going to find a mentor. In my mind, this would teach me those things that I was missing. That night I stumbled upon a Wealthy Affiliate review.

I figured, “Hey I will give it a try, after all, it is free for 7 days.” I ran through all the information as fast as I could. At the end of the trial, I realized that I didn’t find a mentor. Instead, I found many mentors.

Everyone on the platform was happy to help, answer my questions, and really wanted me to succeed. Fast forward three years. I have in my own mind become successful at earning money online.

All of what I have achieved I attribute directly to Wealthy Affiliate. The key is to follow the lessons, ask questions when you have them, help others that you can help, and stay committed.

It is not a get rich quick scheme. It does require work and effort on your part. It does help you build a real business, that you can expand and continue to make money from for years to come.

After searching by trial and error for a lucrative platform to grow a stable and profitable Affiliate Marketing business, my quest is finally over.I entered Wealthy Affiliate!

During the year and a half of my Premium Membership, I have grown several websites to the earning point, my clincher being a $50,000 a Month: Year-Long Case Study site —in progress.

I am a Published Author and Web Designer by profession, so writing is pretty much my life! I have moved my 25-year-old+ web business to WA, where I now design sites for clients (profiting through the initial sale, updates and monthly hosting). 

I also write blogs for my personal websites, eBooks and community posts.

Implementing my previous two separate incomes to one place has allowed me to expand profitability to much greater heights!.

Erin Nelson

If you are looking for a legitimate online website then Wealthy Affiliate is your target. I personally believe that it is the best site to help you create a great business online from home.

I started my online business four years ago. At the beginning, I was disappointed because all companies I joined were scam.

I have wasted a lot of money while I was looking for online sites to work from home.

Getting started on the wrong foot can lead to wasted time, money and motivation. I was going to quit.

Fortunately, I found Wealthy Affiliate.

My sponsor encouraged me to start as a free affiliate but after reading part of the training, I upgraded to premium on the first day. I have been in Wealthy Affiliate for less than two years.

Rania Masaeed

Real testimonies from active Wealthy Affiliate premium members. Success at WA is experienced at different levels:

Can you start a business online with $68 ?

You can start a prosperous business online with just $69 thanks to Wealthy Affiliate.

How is that possible? You ask.

Here is the point.

Wealthy Affiliate promotion: $19

Monthly fee: $49

For 2 months, you can make it happen. 2 months means you invest $69 dollars right? This is enough time to set your business rolling. In the third month, you should be having some nice results. See these details how to start your new business with Wealthy Affiliates.

Some more success stories


Premium Member

I joined Wealthy Affiliate in April 2017 for free and began my online marketing education on the very first day I signed up. I registered without having to use a credit card and there were no upsells or any pressures whatsoever in the process.

Wealthy Affiliate is by far the best online marketing platform on the planet and I have never experienced anything like it. It is not only about Affiliate marketing, but also about learning to build websites from the back end, marketing your own products or someone else’s products, writing about your passions, the list goes on.

I am now learning code which is something I thought I would never do 15 months ago and making money building websites for others.Because of Wealthy Affiliate, I have followed a passion I had many years ago which is Black Opal and gemstones in general.

I joined a lapidary club and now craft gemstone and opal. This is the website I built myself through my Wealthy Affiliate membership: And on a final note, I recommend Wealthy Affiliate to everyone and anyone because there is something for everyone within this platform


I am a Wealthy Affiliate member for 4 months. Since the very start, I realized this is what I need.

Superb training that is second-to-none, a state of the art platform in direct contact with like-minded people, and amazing tools to build websites, research keywords, and other metrics and write content like a pro.

Not only I am creating a bright future on the financial side, but I am becoming an expert and a better person too in the process.

My final take!

Is Wealthy Affiliate worth it?

I have absolutely every reason to affirm that the platform is being under-priced. The services offer for the $49 monthly subscription fee make Wealthy affiliate unmatched in the industry. 

You may want to take the trial period of 7 days to find out for yourself what’s inside. Drop a comment and let me know what you think about Wealthy Affiliate. 

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