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5 Ways to Increase Your Blog Traffic by Helping Other Bloggers

Increase Your Blog Traffic


The 2 letter blogging curse word.

If you think only of yourself, you are doomed in the blogging world.

The most successful bloggers on earth generously give of their time and talents.

Bloggers like Zac Johnson regularly feature other successful bloggers via their blogs, through guest posts and on social media.

This big dawg blogging crowd knows one blog traffic secret: help other bloggers out and you will see a steady flow of traffic to your blog.

Generous bloggers build large, supportive friend networks who freely promote them, endorse them and drive traffic to their blogs.

Follow these 5 tips to increase your blog traffic by helping other bloggers.

1: Share Other Blogger’s Content on Social Media

This is the easiest, quickest, simplest way to help other bloggers and to drive traffic to your blog.

Fear-based, struggling bloggers are so mired in loss and failure that they are blind to this easy peasy way to increase traffic but if you can see beyond today, you will understand how promoting other bloggers is the easiest way to promote yourself.

I may retweet 20 to 30 bloggers today, or share 1-2 Facebook updates pointing my friends to a fellow blogger’s posts.

Over time, bloggers who I promote tend to promote me, increasing the flow of traffic to my blog.

Retweet other bloggers 5-10 times as much as you retweet yourself. Share other blogger’s content on Facebook, LinkedIn and Google Plus. Make friends. Increase your blog traffic flow over the long haul.

2: Interview Bloggers for Your Blog

Interview bloggers for your blog to:

Shouting out fellow bloggers via a text, podcast or video interview does them a solid but also increases your blog traffic.

Bloggers who I interviewed in the past promoted me and endorsed me and my eBooks, steadily boosting traffic flow to Blogging From Paradise.

3: Comment on Other Blogger’s Blogs

Writing in-depth, valuable, personalized comments is one of my favorite ways to help other bloggers and to drive blog traffic.

How it works: I add value to a post by publishing a 3-4 paragraph, in-depth comment. Said comment helps me make friends with other bloggers and drives traffic to my blog too.

I help another blogger.

I boost my blog traffic.


No comment drive-by’s allowed. I deleted about 10 drive-by, 1-line, spam comments on my blog a few moments ago.

If you want traffic, be generous with your time and talents. Publish a helpful comment to receive help in the form of a blogging friendship and steady traffic through your valuable comments.

4: Mention other Bloggers on Your Blog Via Quick Hitters

I enjoy mentioning other bloggers on Blogging From Paradise or through my guest post via quick snippets.

This is an easy way to drive traffic to your blog because the bloggers you shout out often become your blogging buddies, said buddies freely promoting you and endorsing you, boosting your blog traffic.

I mentioned Enstine recently on Blogging Tips via this post:

NBA Basketball and External Linking?

We are already friends but this just strengthens our bond which keeps us in touch, as we help each other out through cross promotion on multiple platforms.

5: Guest Post on Other Blogs

Struggling bloggers cling to this really weird, limiting, loser mindset; they fear guest posting because they believe publishing their “best stuff” on their blog is the way to increasing their blog traffic.

Not true.

Publishing your best content on your blog and on other blogs via guest posting is the best way to increase your blog traffic.

I have written and published over 1000 guest posts all over the web. Sure ain’t hurt me.

You provide a valuable service to other bloggers; passive blog traffic for them, minus light editing and fishing for a featured image.

You benefit by exposing your blog and brand to a large, targeted audience.

Your Turn

How are you driving blog traffic by helping out other bloggers?

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