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How to Write and Self Publish eBooks Quickly

I wrote and self-published one eBook daily for 90 days in a row.

During this prolific tear I fine-tuned a few practical tips for writing and self-publishing eBooks pronto.

Many aspiring authors feel intimidated by the writing process. Some mistakenly believe eBooks need to be in-depth, long term creations, taking months to research and write.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Many of my eBooks sell fine on Amazon at 6,000 words in length.

Self-published authors can establish their authority, boost their online presence and increase their passive income streams by diving into the eBook game.

If you decide to write one ebook why not 10, 20 or 100? The self-publishing game has moved in a new direction, especially with digital storefronts like Amazon where folks dig the short reads category.

Follow these tips to write and self-publish eBooks fast.

1: Enjoy Writing

Far and away, this is the most important tip for writing and self-publishing eBooks quickly.

Writing – and life – is an energy game. If you feel passionate about writing eBooks you see the work the reward. Perfect energy for becoming crazy prolific.

Enjoy writing.

Write and self-publish eBooks on the quick.

2: Write What You Know

Write what you know.

No sense adding hours or even days of research if you want to ship these eBooks pronto.

Reference blogs, eBooks and other resources to do some due diligence but dive into topics you know inside-out to write eBooks fast.

Why complicate things? Write what you know. Ship quickly.

3: Get Practical

Get practical.

Readers want practical tips.

Authors who know their stuff flesh out practical tips themed eBooks quickly and easily.

I list 6 to 12 blogging tips for my blogging themed eBooks. After creating an outline – tip #4 – I find it easy peasy to write each chapter swiftly, packing practical tips to address blogging problems into each chapter.

Writing about practical tips is fairly simple because you easily visualize, process and detail how to go about executing the actionable strategies. All the better for writing and self-publishing eBooks like hotcakes.

4: Create an Outline

Create an outline for your ebook.

Add order to your mind.

Streamline the writing and self-publish process.

Struggling ebook authors – as a rule –  avoid creating an outline. This adds hours to your writing because skipping the outline breaks the writing flow. Words never seem to flow smoothly from your mind to laptop if you don’t have a clear cut outline to work with.

Write at least 7 to 10 chapters. Break each chapter into subsections if you please.

Crafting an outline dramatically speeds up your writing. Work from a blueprint or foundation. Everything flows smoothly.

5: 6,000 Words Tops in Blocks

Write 6,000 words eBooks.

This length fits perfectly into Amazon’s 30-45 minute short reads category.

No need to write the next War and Peace of eBooks. People dig short, helpful, practical tips laden reads for eBooks.

If you feel prolific aim for 10K words.

Resist the urge to tie the eBook value to some imagined word count. People want solutions. If you provide helpful solutions to pressing problems without adding filler you will do A-OK in the self-publishing game.

Set aside 60 to 90 minute writing blocks to churn out your ebook quickly. Takeshort, frequent breaks to dissolve mental blocks. Return to your writing refreshed, invigorated and ready to write.

6: Proofread and Self-Publish

Proofread and self-publish.

Finish the chore in under a day if you are really cooking.

Even if you aren’t cooking you can write, proofread and self publish that bad boy in under 2 days tops.

Give yourself 1-2 hours between finishing your writing and proofreading. Chill a bit to prevent proofreading with wary eyes.

The eBook

If you want to write and self-publish an eBook quickly buy my eBook:

How to Write and Publish an eBook in 24 Hours

Your Turn

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How do you write and self publish eBooks quickly?

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