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How To Make $1000 from Your Blog With 100 Daily Readers (Guaranteed)

How To Make Money from Your Blog

Whether you’ve been blogging for years or you are just starting with only 100 daily readers, I want to show you the steps to make $1000 and I give you my guarantee.

But be warned! It’s not going to be a click-here-click-there scheme. You’re going to work hard and smart. But your $1k or more is waiting. The first thing you must know at this point is that there are many ways bloggers make money blogging. I have talked about this several times.

However, I want you to completely forget about this list now. Though what we are about to do isn’t from space, it will be a barrier if you start thinking you already know it.

How to make $1000 from your blog – guaranteed

Tell me… How much money have you made from your blog since the start of 2019? The truth is that it’s not been easy for many of us. But don’t give up. Let’s see something that may help you see $1000 from your blog.

It may be your first $1000 blogging. However, if you’ve been making it already, this can help you make another $1000. One of the things you must know is that blogging is a service that solves problems and people have different problems. I’m not going to ask you to go looking for problems to solve.


Because I’m going to help you. I’ve already identified a problem and this is going to cover all niches. Whether you blog about elephants or ants, you can follow this method and make your first (or next) $1000.

Solve the problem of exposure

Some of our readers that have a big problem are advertisers. That’s why they are called ‘Advertisers’ because ‘advertising’ is an exercise that solves the problem of a lack of sales.

Many companies out there have beautiful and useful products and services. But they have this very big industry problem of exposure. They want to get the word out to a targeted audience. If you help solve this problem, they will give you money. Period!

Let’s completely forget about affiliate marketing now. I know this is huge when it comes to making money online. But it can be a heartbreak to many newbies. We will be focusing on solving the key problem advertisers have – lack of exposure. That means I’m going to be telling you to give them exposure and traffic, right?

I don’t have traffic myself, Enstine!

I know what’s on your mind. You don’t even get traffic yourself. How do you give out what you don’t have?  You think you don’t have what advertisers want. So you ain’t going to be able to solve their problems. Well, you may have read a lot of bad stuff online. They make you think you need thousands of daily readers to make a dollar.

That’s wrong.

Traffic is a big factor when it comes to making money online. But it only helps you grow your profit. Literally, the more the traffic, the more money you make.

That’s not always true though. A friend of mine from Nigeria was living the highest online disappointment in his industry. He sent me the pdf report of his Google Analytics. But when I saw his earnings, I almost sent 2 FBI agents to arrest him for misusing (or not knowing what to do with ) such exposure.

Over 5k daily readers making $100 to $150 monthly is the most sluggish report I have ever seen because this was from someone who has been struggling to make money with his blog.

Read this : 7 hot tips to make more money blogging – blogging income tips!

$1000 with few daily readers!

The simple truth is that you can make comfortable earnings with few readers if you fulfill these two conditions:

  1. Your few readers are targeted
  2. You use the most appropriate monetizing method. (There are many here)

When I started blogging a few years back, I remember I was paid $450 by a client for exposure on this blog. And I was barely scratching 150 daily readers. So you see it isn’t about a massive number of readers. What I did is the exact thing I want to propose to you.  I really didn’t know what I was doing but it worked for me.

Give Advertisers what they want

The reason dealing with advertisers works best is that you can talk with them and make an (irresistible) offer. You know with affiliate marketing, you have to do what it takes, wait for the conversion, and pray against refunds. Many advertisers have the budget for smaller blogs or websites with less traffic. This is something many bloggers don’t know.

With this knowledge, you should already be excited because that places you forward. I’m going to ask you to do something quite different but let’s begin from the beginning.

Get a nice looking theme

Some themes are just so irritating. Generally, these are free themes. In some cases, bloggers who are desperate to make money make their blogs really horrible by hanging jumping elements here and there. Get rid of all these if you want to be taken seriously.

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